1. Ice skating

Let’s face it, what’s more fun than gliding through the ice as if you are Torvill and Dean and burning around 600 calories in an hour’s session? Not only that, but you’ll be working your legs and your butt, and you’ll be continuously toning your core. You will be on your way to that six pack in no time!
2. Home exercises

Heading to the gym in the cold is not what you fancy on a cold winters day! Still, that’s not an excuse to not get active, when there is a perfect solution sitting on your TV screen. Plug in your DVD player, stream YouTube or find an exercise channel and starting following a fitness program. Not only is this a cheap way to get active, its efficient and very rarely requires much equipment.
3. Visit a Trampoline park

Trampoline parks have hit the UK by storm and are becoming more and more popular. Trampolines are fun, social and a great way to meet new people whilst being active. In fact a 10 minute bounce is said to be the same as a half hour run, after 60 minutes you are going to be feeling knackered and be burning away those calories!
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4. Dancing at home

Sometimes you just can’t stop yourself turning up the music and having a good boogie on your own, and why not if you enjoy yourself! Find your old school favourites, turn the music up, dance for 30 minutes and feel the benefits of a great cardio workout while having fun. If you are feeling brave enough why not get your friends together and have a dance party?!
5. Go bouldering

Bouldering (A form of rock climbing) has been a great hit last year due to it being so accessible to all ages. No knowledge of knots or ropes is needed due to your climbs being on a 4-5 metre walls, over safety mats. Simply get some chalk, find a graded wall to suit your level and start climbing!
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6. Make your home chores a workout

Make your chores fun? Sounds bonkers, but it doesn’t have to be. Either way you are going to have to hoover the hall, scrub the bath or tidy the kitchen sides, so why not make it into a workout? Crank up the music and put some extra effort into your chores, whenever you hear a song change, stop and start lunging, squatting you can even add some crunches and push ups! Do this over an hour and you will certainly feel the burn.
7. Try a racket sport

Badminton, Squash and indoor tennis courts are all indoor and perfect to play with your friends and family. Simply head down the local leisure centre hire some rackets and start playing. It doesn’t matter how good you are as long as you are moving around and having fun. You will also reap the benefit of losing between 272 to over a thousand calories an hour depending on the sport (Squash is the highest burner!)
What’s your favourite way of working out when it’s rainy outside? Let us know below…