Radio Lamington – Our greatest discovery during lockdown

Lockdown has been a time of discovery and one such thing we were pleased to discover was lamingtons, the famous Aussie sweet treats. And not any old lamington, Radio Lamington by Daisy Green…

It would be fair to say that I discovered a great many things during lockdown. I learnt that I could grow my own food (ok, herbs and spring onions mostly), cut my own hair to the shape of Dora the Explorer and live with far fewer things than I could have ever dreamt possible. Then there were also the magical discoveries; the greatest of which were lamingtons. Mind you, not just any old lamington. They were from Radio Lamington by Daisy Green.

Lamingtons London

Radio Lamington was born during lockdown when Daisy Green began baking the famous Aussie treat for NHS frontline staff as a way of showing gratitude; reflecting the mood of an entire nation. Throughout this time, which was all hands on deck, the team baked 30,000 (yep, thirty thousand!) lamingtons and cakes for the NHS on an entirely voluntary basis.

The response to the lamingtons however, took an unexpected turn. The pillowy-soft, bright, beautiful and utterly delicious cakes of classic and unconventional flavours became a hit. The team was inspired to continue baking them by launching the #FeedNHS campmaign and setting up Radio Lamington. Now anyone can treat themselves to a box of lamingtons (from £25) via the website. With every box purchased another will be donated to NHS hospitals.

A box of lamingtons were delivered to me during lockdown and I couldn’t have been happier. A beautiful package, tied with a ribbon and containing exquisite cakes was, unsurprisingly, the highlight of my lockdown. Altogether there are nine flavours that can be mixed and matched in a single box. Mine contained Classic (vanilla sponge with raspberry jam), Red Velvet, Rainbow (swirled sponge with whipped cream cheese), salted caramel, tiramisu (containing Kahlua crema al mascarpone) and vegan. All the cakes are finished with a coating of fresh, grated coconut.

I feel pressed to pick a favourite which is an impossible task. However, perhaps the red velvet, with a layer of twice whipped creme cheese frosting and dipped in raspberry and hibiscus jelly would be it for its elevated elegance.

With considered ingredients such as Clarence Court eggs and Pump Street chocolate, in each lamington, there is little wonder the cakes soared in popularity. They are an absolute treat to behold and to taste.

To order visit:

Demi Perera
Demi Perera
Freelance travel and food journalist and serial traveller. Follow my travels:


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