How to Help Your Dog Reach an Ideal Healthy Weight

Look After Your Furry Friend And Help Him Reach His Ideal Healthy Weight with these top tips…

Pet obesity is an increasing problem, and there are more and more dogs carrying more weight than they should. Just like humans, dogs that are overweight tend to be at a higher risk of various health problems, injury and disease. If your vet has told you that your dog could benefit from losing some weight, it’s important to act quickly and make healthier changes to your pet’s lifestyle to ensure that they can enjoy their best health. Thankfully, there are many ways to help your dog reach an ideal healthy weight.

Making Sure That Your Dog Needs to Lose Weight

Firstly, it’s important to be sure that your dog actually does need to go on a diet. The best way to determine if your dog weighs more than they should is to take them to the vet for a check-up where they will be weighed. The vet will compare your dog’s weight to what is expected as a healthy weight for your dog’s age, breed and gender. Different dog breeds have various body shapes; however, regardless of the breed, the best way to tell if your dog is a healthy weight is by looking at the same parts of their body. The ribs should only be covered by a very minimal layer of fat and you should be able to easily feel them or make their shape out visually. A dog of a healthy weight has an abdominal tuck. When looking at your dog from above, their waist should be clearly visible behind their ribs.

Feed Your Dog a High-Quality Diet

Just like humans, dogs are often overweight because they are eating too much food or not getting the right nutrients in their diets. If your dog is eating a lot but does not get a lot of exercise, this is typically going to result in weight gain. It’s important to make sure that your dog is eating the right amount for its breed, age, weight and activity levels. It’s important to avoid cheap, commercial dog foods if your dog is overweight since they are often packed with grains such as corn. Food that’s high in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants is the best choice for your dog to help them lose weight.

Consider Your Dog’s Exercise Levels

As dogs get older, they often put on weight, since they are no longer as active as they once were, but they are still eating the same amount and type of food. If your dog is struggling to exercise as much as they did when they were younger due to their age, then it’s important to adjust their diet accordingly to make sure that it fits well into their new lifestyle. Raw senior dog food from Bella and Duke is an ideal option since the meals will be tailored to your dog and packed with the nutrients that they need to reach and maintain a healthy weight now that they are older and less active. Bella and Duke provide tons of helpful information on safely switching your dog over to a raw diet and you can learn more about the benefits here.

Help Your Dog Reach an Ideal Healthy Weight

Give Your Dog More Exercise if You Can

Unless your dog is older and struggling to do more physical activity, getting more exercise for your dog is a good way to help them lose weight. Just like humans, going for more or longer walks per day will help to speed up your dog’s weight loss and it is good for your own health, too. Simply adding an extra 10-15 minutes a day to your dog’s usual walk can make a difference if you do not have a lot of time. You might also want to consider getting your dog involved with some kind of agility training or teaching new tricks that require a lot of moving around, to help with fitness and flexibility.

Feed Healthier Treats

Treats can quickly add up throughout the day and if you are giving your dog a treat every time they obey a command, the calorific value can quickly add up and contribute to your dog’s weight overall. Cutting out treats altogether, however, does not work for some dogs who are very food-motivated and need the treat to encourage them with training. However, in this case, it is best to steer clear of treats that are filled with sugar and made from low-quality materials and feed your dog higher-quality treats made with healthy ingredients instead.

Food Alternatives for Rewards

Food can be an excellent reward when training your new puppy but if your dog is getting overweight, it is worth considering some food alternatives to use as a reward, including their favourite toys and spending some time playing with them. You might be surprised to find that your dog reacts just as positively to simply being praised and patted enthusiastically when they get something right, without the need for food. Clicker training can also be an ideal way to reduce the amounts of treats that you give your dog throughout the day if you are trying to help them lose weight. You may also want to consider trying a method that makes your dog work harder to get the treat, which can encourage them to exercise. Games like hiding the treat and getting your dog to find it will keep them moving, while kong toys can be used to give your dog a treat that they will need to work for to get out of the toy rather than wolfing it down out of your hand.

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Help Your Dog Reach an Ideal Healthy Weight

Avoid Giving Human Food

It can be all too tempting to give your dog a little treat off your plate when you are eating dinner and they are looking up at you with sad, cute eyes. However, feeding leftovers and scraps can be one of the main ways that dogs become overweight, especially if the whole family is doing it! Make sure that everybody in your household is on board with a ban on human food and that your dog only gets high-quality treats that are restricted throughout the day.

Feed Little and Often

If you are feeding your dog less in order to help them lose weight, feeding little and often can be helpful if they are used to bigger meals twice a day. Smaller meals throughout the day can help your dog feel fuller for longer, and with less time to wait until the next meal time, you can curb any unwanted behaviours like begging. If your dog is on a strict diet, it can be worth spending some time in the morning to carefully weigh out their food and portion it into meals and treats so that they don’t end up accidentally overeating.

Monitor Your Dog’s Weight

Finally, it’s important to keep a close eye on your dog’s weight to make sure that the new diet is working for them and getting the desired results. You may not notice weight loss immediately since your dog is with you all the time and the changes are often slow. You can have your dog weighed regularly at the vet or you can do it at home by weighing yourself with them on your scale and subtracting your own weight.

Being overweight puts dogs at risk of some serious health conditions, so by trying to help your dog reach an ideal healthy weight is one of the best things that you can do for their health and happiness.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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