Selling and Moving House During Coronavirus – What You Need To Know

Moving house during Coronavirus can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. Here is all you need to know…

A successful move from your home or office during the Coronavirus will require assistance from one of the professional Oxford removal companies. There are many guidelines to follow to ensure that you adhere to the government’s rules and not put anyone at risk while you move house. Removal companies have strict policies that they need to follow to ensure that all your items are taken care of without any damage.  Here is what you need to know about moving house during Coronavirus…

Are You Ready For Your Mid-Covid House Move?

Safety matters

Packing up most of the items yourself is encouraged to make things both easy and effective during the Covid-19 pandemic. The fewer people you have touching your items, the better it will be for you to ensure your safety and others. You will need to disinfect, wash or wipe every item prior to them being packed into its boxes. If you insist on having someone help you, then get a fogger to spray over everything in the home. Foggers covering a wide range will stick to the surfaces of your home for up to 72 hours. You can even hire a professional team to assist you with the fogging of curtains, ample cupboards and kitchen appliances that can be breeding grounds for both pests and dirty. Remember always to wear gloves and a mask, so your efforts aren’t moot when trying to keep everything clean and ready for removal.


During the pandemic,, you will not be allowed to hang around at the removal companies’ offices to avoid queues and crowds, so you will need to make your booking well in advance telephonically or via online applications.

Be sure to book your move at least a week in advance as the regulations require the moving company to adequately prep the vans as well. You will need time to pack everything, so make the booking well in advance. Give as much detail as you can when you are making a booking to receive the correct assistance. If you require boxes and want to do the packing yourself, then you can arrange to collect them and do all the packing on time.

On the day

Call the movers ahead of time to arrange parking space for them when they come and remove your furniture. Ensure you have the keys ready so that there is no time wasted when they need to unpack all your belongings. Keep your distance by placing your boxes in a corner to easily be removed and packed into the van without too much movement in the house. Have hand sanitiser and sanitising spray available to provide extra safety while moving around in your home. Hand the keys over to the estate agent, who will there to do a final inspection once everyone has left so that the place is clean for the next tenant or the maintenance crew. For your safety and that of everyone else, arrange that all handovers be done with the agent. The agent can then prep for the new owner after the maintenance crew has left. It will ensure that there is always a clean space and that none of the moving directly affected you or encouraged you to catch the virus. Safety is paramount.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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