Don’t miss: UK artist Sophie Tea’s art exhibition at ME London this summer – Love doesn’t stop 

World-renowned UK artist, Sophie Tea, is a revolutionary creative in more ways than one. Not only does Tea uncover innovative expressions of love and life on the canvas, but she also carries her stirring message of love with her, long after the paintbrush is set down. Find out about Sophie Tea’s art exhibition at the ME London, love doesn’t stop…

Sophie Tea works to reimagine what success in the art industry can look like–and she’s great at it. Selling sold-out solo shows across the world, Sophie Tea has now ventured into the traditional gallery route with her paintings. Tea took to Instagram to sell her original artwork (@sophieteaart) and has sold thousands of paintings globally, turning over £1m in just a single year. And Tea has received praised coverage from the likes of Forbes Magazine, BBC, Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan.

Sophie Tea’s art exhibition at ME London

The distinguished Marconi Lounge of the ME London luxury hotel is welcoming Sophie Tea’s first London residency of the year, ‘Love doesn’t stop’. Sophie Tea’s art exhibition at the ME London will feature her most recent collection, ‘Hearts’. You will be touched by this collection that comes as a love letter to those who spent months enduring the covid-19 lockdown alone. Tea beautifully communicates a message of unrelenting love; ‘Hearts’ comes as a reminder that no matter what, we are all loved eternally. 

Throughout her residency, Sophie Tea is offering one-off originals and prints of some of her most popular works, available to purchase. 

Sophie Tea also works to fulfil a unique mission online. Tea proudly aims to take the ‘art virginities’ of customers who would otherwise be unable to afford original pieces of artwork. Sophie Tea wants original artwork to be accessible, and besides her work selling out in mere seconds on her Instagram page, she’s accomplishing exactly that through the payment plans she offers on Instagram. Customers pay no interest and receive their original pieces immediately. The numbers speak for the satisfaction of Tea’s online revolution: Tea has over a 50% repeat order rate.  

Sophie Tea’s art exhibition at the ME London is on display through September 6th, 2021. You are welcome to experience Sophie Tea’s artwork at ME daily, from 10 am to 8 pm. The ME is also home to the striking Radio Rooftop with sweeping views of London’s skyline and the world-famous steak house, STK. 

For more information on Sophie Tea’s art exhibition at the ME London ‘Love doesn’t stop’ head to:

ME Hotel London

Siena Dorman
Siena Dorman
My name is Siena Dorman, I am a journalist and lifestyle columnist from the University of Oregon. I find joy both in sharing my stories and in telling the stories of others. By highlighting the abundant creativity in the world around us, I aim to direct readers to new sources of inspiration, beauty, and delicious food. Get in touch:


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