When and how to change engine oil and oil filter

When driving your car it’s important it’s as safe as possible at all times. This means you will need to keep an eye on things such as your petrol and oil levels at all times to ensure they don’t reach a level that is unsafe for driving with. After a while you could need to change your oil filter and it is important this is done safely. Here we have put together some information on oil filters and how to change them.

engine oil

What is an oil filter?

An oil filter is designed with the aim of removing impurities from the engine oil and hydraulic fluids in your car and there are a few different types of oil filter. The types include centrifugal, edge-type disc filters and more. They are designed with the aim of removing harmful impurities that might damage your car’s engine.

How do I know it’s time to change engine oil and oil filter?

There are a few different signs that mean it’s time to change your engine oil. The first of these is that the oil is dark or dirty, which is due to the build-up residue particles that are in the engine. Other signs can include ticking or tapping noises, a burnt oil smell, if smoke is coming from your exhaust and if the car is stalling without reason.

How do I change my engine oil and oil filter?

There are a few steps involved with changing your engine oil and oil filter.

  1. The first thing you need to do is raise your car on a jack, giving yourself space to work beneath it. From here you can examine the oil filter and oil pan.
  2. Once you have done this, find your oil receptacle which you can place under the car to catch any oil. Use a wrench to unscrew the drain plug and drain the oil until it slows to a trickle (this normally takes around give minutes.)
  3. Next you need to find your oil filter, turn it counterclockwise and wait until the oil starts to come out of the top and drip down the receptacle. Once the flow has diminished enough, make sure you remove the filter.
  4. You now need to replace the drain plug ensuring you tighten it as much as possible without being too tight. Some manufacturers have a guide you can follow so be sure to check this.
  5. You then need to take your new oil filter, dabbing it with a light coating of oil on the rubber gasket to ensure it has a proper seal when fitted.
  6. Finally, fill your car back up with oil by using a funnel. Check for any leaks and that the oil level is suffient enough for your vehicle.

If you are looking to change your engine oil and oil filter, these top tips should help you to do so. You can find out more information in the below links.

Sources of information:

How to change oil filter – sparepartstore24.co.uk

How to change engine oil – caranddriver.com

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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