Tips For Planning A Holiday To Make It As Easy As Possible

Never planned a holiday before? Want to learn how to do so in a few simple tips? Then we’ve got the guide for you. In this post, we’ll be covering some simple steps that will help you start planning a holiday with virtually zero stress and concern.

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Decide why you want a holiday

First thing’s first, decide why you want to go on a holiday! Everyone has different reasons for doing so and it’s never a bad idea to confirm to yourself why you want a break in the first place. A lot of people take a break because they want to get away from their jobs and other responsibilities for some time. Others enjoy the idea of spending time with friends or loved ones in a different country. Everyone has their own preferences and reasons for taking a break, and you’re probably no different.

Choose where you want to go

Next, choose someplace to go. This is easier said than done for some people, especially if you don’t have much experience travelling in the first place. A good place to start would be travel guides or even recommendations from friends and family members that travel more often than you. Perhaps a friend recently told you about an amazing holiday they had, or maybe you have a family member that always recommends a particular country.

Pick who you want to go with

Next, choose who you’ll be going with. In most cases, you’ll probably be choosing some close friends and/or family members. However, you might also want to choose friends to go someplace because of an event or a particular time of year. Maybe you have friends that really enjoy a certain band that is playing in another country. That’d be the perfect excuse to go as a group and have some fun.

Or get ready to go alone

Of course, you could always travel on your own. There are plenty of informative solo travel guides like this one at which can educate you on things like safety tips and recommended locations. Solo travel doesn’t need to be scary or concerning as long as you’re taking the right steps to protect yourself.

Do some research on accommodation

Accommodation doesn’t just mean a hotel or Airbnb. While these two are the most common options, you also have the choice of hostels, couch surfing, and even holiday rentals depending on your budget, group size, and the purpose of your holiday. If you’re looking to maximise the value of your accommodation, then why not consider all of your options first before you book something? There’s a good chance that you can get something that leads to a much better holiday experience

Get in touch with friends and family there

If you have friends or family members that live in your destination country then why not go ahead and speak to them before you fly over? This step of planning a holiday can cut costs and make it a lot easier too. You could get much cheaper or even free accommodation and it could be a fantastic way to meet up with people that you’ve not seen for a long time.

planning a holiday

Source: (CC0)

Keep inspiring yourself

Don’t forget to keep on inspiring yourself with different holiday ideas. When planning a holiday, don’t just stick with the same few places and don’t feel forced to go to the more popular destinations if you want to have a unique holiday experience. We recommend checking out travel websites such as or even influencers that cover travel. These are both great ways to learn a bit more about how to inspire yourself 

Look for the best deals for your flight

Finding a good deal for your flight can be surprisingly difficult, especially if you’re not too well-versed with bargain hunting. There are a number of ways to check for cheap flights but it generally involves looking around at multiple different booking services. In some cases, the best deal for your holiday might be to go with an all-in-one package. These are generally a little cheaper than trying to plan everything yourself if you have a list of things that you want to do.

Book your accommodation if you haven’t already

If you haven’t already booked your accommodation at this step then you may want to consider doing so. Accommodation is finite and there’s a good chance that the vacancies you’ve been eyeing will have been taken if you wait too long. It’s usually best to book around the same time that you book your flights. The last thing you want is to scramble to find a place to stay when you’ve already arrived at your destination.

Consider how you’ll be paying for things

You should also consider how you’ll be paying for things. A lot of people tend to forget that they’ll probably be using a different kind of currency when they arrive at their destination country. If you have an international credit card then this probably isn’t a huge concern for you because you can simply just buy things if you’re not worried about the conversion rates and fees. However, if you do want to get the most for your money, why not try to convert your money before your holiday? This is a great option if you have a rough idea of how much you’ll be spending. You can get much better conversion rates from banks and other locations, helping you save a considerable amount of money in the long run.

Let your bank know you’ll be travelling

And lastly, don’t forget to let your bank know if you’re travelling. This is important if you don’t travel much because international transactions might trigger safety mechanisms that your bank has set. This could potentially lock you out of your card for several days and you’ll need to keep your limited budget in mind. A quick phone call is all you need. Some banks don’t even require you to phone up anymore as long as you’ve travelled in the past.

What do you think of our tips for planning a holiday? Let us know in the comments below!

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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