Working From Home Vs In The Office: Improving Productivity At Work

After working from home in recent years, many offices have made the slow return to the office. With this transition, many employees may need to take into consideration whether they performed better at work from the comfort of their own home or right in the office. Both styles of work foresee many effects on the productivity levels of employees, both positive and negative.

ways to improve working from home
Photo by Vlada Karpovich:

Preferences of workers are of course diverse, with some preferring the original office lifestyle and the opportunity to collaborate, whereas others prefer the flexibility of not having to leave their home. All in all, each aspect of working between the two can help employees to become more productive as they work in a place that they choose to and what works best for them. But how exactly has productivity improved in the office and at home?

The importance of productivity at work

Productivity is the core aspect to success in the workplace. Having huge benefits on both the employees and the employer’s company, ensuring that workers are productive at work has a large effect on the business as a whole. As workers are more productive, in turn the company aims and goals are quickly achieved, which motivates the workplace and creates a positive working environment.

However, many things can hinder the productivity levels for employees, particularly in the space they work. Whether their desk is untidy or the room is too noisy, ensuring that the working environment is perfect to each and every employee’s needs is vital in those productivity levels staying high.

How working from home improves productivity levels

With the new advancements in technology with things like video calls, working from home has for some, became the new norm. However, ensuring that employees can still get as much work done and be just as productive as they would be in the office is vital for businesses. A study found that millions are more productive while working from home, with the increased convenience and comfortability of being in your own home, it is much easier to get through day to day work.

With no travelling to the office and the ease to live a healthier lifestyle, many workers can find themselves to be working even more when at home. The new and improved video call meetings on softwares like Zoom and Teams have also led to easier communication in the workforce, meaning people are getting through quicker and workloads are being reduced effectively.

Working in the office: maintaining a balanced work-life

While many employees may enjoy working from their own homes, for others the preference of getting up and out to the office allows them to create the right balance between their personal and work lives. Having your work team mates at your fingertips in the office allows for tasks to be explained better and completed efficiently.

As working from home can be more stressful, working in the office allows for deeper concentration and the sentiment to work more productively. Overall, the idea of going out to your office and spending the day working there can create a more positive working environment which in turn makes it much easier to get on with work and become much more productive.

Ways to improve productivity while working

There are a number of ways in which you can improve your productivity at work while working from either your home or in the office. As working more productively evidently has numerous benefits on you and your company, ensuring that you are implementing everything into your working environment to make it as productive as possible is vital.

From planning your day out properly to eliminating distractions, you can quickly become a pro at getting things done at work. Even learning how to organise your office desk more efficiently can help you keep you more productive as you’re not distracted from a messy and disorganised desk space. Whether you work from home or in the office, you can make sure that your space is fit for concentration and hard working, by applying just a few simple things to your work environment.

The benefits of using ergonomic furniture in your work day

The key to improving your productivity levels is by ensuring your working space is as comfortable as possible. Working on an uncomfortable chair that causes damage and pains to your back will certainly not put you in the mood for work. If you’re a business owner needing to fill their commercial office space with office furniture, it is wise to invest in high-quality ergonomic furniture.

Comfortable ergonomic furniture will help you in keeping good posture at your office desk and allow for more comfort in your day-to-day working at the office. From sit-stand height adjustable desks to office chairs with built in lumbar support, the increased support will make your office day easier and in turn make getting through your workload a breeze.

Implementing lighting for increased focus

Great lighting has a significant effect on your concentration and productivity. Warm lighting creates a sense of comfort and relaxation in the home office, whereas cool lighting enhances alertness and productivity on the premises. With reduced levels of melatonin, you experience reduced fatigue, which is an excellent thing while working.

As well as this, natural lights are a mood booster, as it releases serotonin to help you feel calmer and focused. During the night, great light triggers melatonin release; this helps you sleep better during the night, hence relaxing your brain, meaning you are ready to work the next day productively.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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