Easy Ways To Make Yourself A More Appealing Employment Prospect

If you’re unemployed, or you are unhappy with your current role but want to make yourself as attractive as possible to potential employers, there are a number of things you can do.

Using effective, career-boosting techniques might mean it won’t be long before the interview requests start pouring in. Before you know it, you will find yourself with a job offer that will take your career to new heights. Keep reading to find a few easy ways to help make yourself more appealing to employees.

Employment Prospect

Build A Strong Social Media Presence

These days, employers increasingly take their candidates’ social media presence into account when searching for the ideal person to fill a particular role. Using social media accounts to build up your corporate identity can make a real difference when it comes to landing your dream job. Be sure to post evidence of your career achievements, as well as updates on any industry events you attend. You can also use your social media to demonstrate your knowledge, experience, and expertise to help you become an even more appealing prospect for employers.

Develop Your Soft Skills

When it comes to the skills and talents that are most valued by potential employers these days, soft skills rank very highly. If you want to make yourself more attractive as a candidate for a particular role, then you may want to invest some time in boosting your soft skillset; for example, by taking an eLearning course or two from iHASCO. In particular, you may wish to bone up on conflict resolution, your customer service skills and communication courses. Then, when you are called for interviews, you can demonstrate your newfound knowledge and impress your potential new boss.

Take Charge

If you are hoping to climb further up the career ladder at your current workplace, then it’s a good idea to ‘show willing’ by putting yourself forward for any task – no matter how small. Whether you volunteer to manage your company’s internship program or become the leader of a community service project run by your business, your desire to take the reins is sure to be noticed by the powers that be. At the very least, taking on this kind of responsibility will bring new challenges and valuable experience that you can draw on going forward.

Volunteer In Your Free Time

Dedicating some of your spare time to volunteering at a local charity is not only a wonderful way to make a difference and do some good, but it can also make you more appealing to employers. In addition, a volunteering position has the capability to teach you an array of useful new skills you may not otherwise have had the opportunity to learn. You will also benefit from the sense of purpose that engaging in philanthropic work brings with it, and may even make some new friends in the bargain.

Polish Up Your Resume

Last but not least, if it’s been a while since you last gave your CV the once-over, now may be a good time to spruce it up and make it look even more professional. After all, a poorly written CV may be off-putting to potential employers.  You should also check if there are any new roles or skills you have acquired since you last edited the document, which may help you stand out from the crowd. Remember, the whole point of a resume is to sell your skills and experience, so don’t be afraid to detail each and every accomplishment, no matter how minor you may think of them.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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