How To Look After Yourself When You’re Unwell 

We all spend a lot of time trying not to get ill – they say that prevention is better than cure, after all, and that’s a good mantra to live by. However, sometimes illness sneaks up on us no matter what we do, and when that happens, it’s wise to know how to look after yourself so that you can get better sooner and return to your normal life and the responsibilities that come with it. A lot of us just don’t have the time to be unwell these days, so the quicker we can get back on our feet, the better! With that in mind, here are some ways to look after yourself when you’re unwell to help you recover more quickly. 


One of the best things anyone can do when they’re unwell, whether it’s a little sniffle or a full-on flu, is to rest. The problem is that this is often the last thing anyone who’s ill really wants to do because we’re all busy and have too many items to tick off our to-do lists. That means we tend to keep pushing on, hoping that we’ll just get better without doing anything, and making ourselves more unwell in the process. 

The thing to remember is that by not resting when we’re ill, we actually make the illness last longer. Our bodies need to be able to fight off whatever nasty thing is assaulting us, and by resting, we can focus all our energy on doing exactly that. If you don’t rest, your body will have less energy to fight, so you’ll be ill for longer. Even if it means taking a day or two off work, it’s crucial to rest, otherwise instead of being ill for a couple of days, it could last a week or even more, making you much less productive in the meantime. 

Eat And Drink

Sometimes, when we’re unwell, eating (and even drinking) is the last thing we want to do – we’re tired, achy, and often lose our appetites, so trying to force down some food isn’t a fun idea at all. Unfortunately, we need to keep energised to fight off sickness, which means we need to keep eating and drinking. 

Therefore, even if you really don’t feel like it, it’s important to eat at least a little each day, and ideally three meals if you can. If you’re not able to eat, or you’re not eating much, you can top up your nutrients by taking vitamin supplements from Medino Pharmacy to ensure you can fight off the illness as quickly as possible. In fact, even when you’re better, it can be a good idea to keep taking these supplements, as they can help keep sickness away in the future. 

See A Doctor

Although a lot of the time, an illness will go away by itself without any medical intervention, especially if you take care of yourself by resting and keeping hydrated and fed, sometimes it does seem to linger or even get worse. In that case, the best thing to do is to seek medical attention. 

If you’re not a doctor, it’s going to be hard to know what’s serious and what’s not, and if you’re feeling really unwell or the illness isn’t getting any better after a while, making an appointment to see your doctor or even visiting a walk-in clinic if you need urgent care is a good idea. It’s better to see an expert and get help than to leave things and potentially get more unwell. 

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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