8 Accessories That Every Elderly Person Should Own

Getting old is just an inevitability that everyone must face. It comes with some great benefits like retirement and wisdom. However, your body does start to slow down once you head into your sixties. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up on the things you love.

While things can get hard as you get older, there are some things that you can buy to help. As such, here are some essential accessories that every elderly person should own.

accessories elderly people should own
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-adult-women-beside-each-other-3768114/

Accessories that every elderly person should own:

Slip On Shoes

Moving about can get more difficult as your muscles start to weaken. One of the parts of your body that always seems to suffer the most from the muscles weakening is your lower back. As such, you will struggle to bend down and put your shoes on.

You shouldn’t let this reality prevent you from going out, though. Slip-on shoes are around so that you don’t have to wrestle with lower back pain every time you want to go out. You can also get these shoes without laces so that you don’t have to fight through your arthritis every time you leave the house. Just slide your feet in the holes and you are away.

Automatic Jar Opener

Another thing that arthritis and your muscles weakening in your hands can prevent you from doing is opening a jar or can of food. Let’s face it, some jars are hard enough to open at any age even without all the additional issues that can arise through ageing.

Just like you shouldn’t let back pain prevent you from going out, you also shouldn’t let your limited strength prevent you from eating the food you enjoy. An automatic jar and can opener can perform these tasks for you so that you never have to worry about a tricky jar ever again.

Mobility Scooter

Heading out for the day can still pose a problem even if you have slip-on shoes. The combined issues of muscle aches and running out of energy quickly can make it almost impossible to spend the entire day out with your family.

A walking stick can carry you a fair way, but this only helps if you only have a problem with moving one leg. Also, it takes a lot of effort to work with a stick. That is only going to exacerbate the tiredness issue. Therefore, you may want to consider using a mobility scooter instead.

In a world that is always trying to be more inclusive, you can get almost anywhere in an electric wheelchair. As such, you should head to Mobility Solutions to look for mobility scooters for sale. You don’t even have to use it all the time. just make sure you never leave for a long walk or tricky journey without having your mobility scooter handy for a rest.

Utensil Handles

Having arthritis is difficult enough for the elderly. However, things get more complicated when you consider that most items are designed to be used by people without arthritis. Things like your toothbrush, sharp knives, and wooden spoons all come with long handles that require some dexterity to use properly.

Continuing to use these objects can help you maintain some independence as you get older. That is why it is useful to buy some utensil sleeves. A utensil sleeve is a thick rubber sheath that you can slip over the end of these objects to make them easier to hold and use effectively.

Electric Blanket

You would be hard-pressed to find anyone that cannot benefit from the warm embrace of an electric blanket. These plug-in devices exude warmth to anyone underneath the cloth. However, one of the main suggestions for people who are suffering from aches and pains is to wrap it in a warm compress.

As you can see, an electric blanket can allow an elderly person to relax in comfort and reduce their muscular pain at the same time. Also, these devices are cheaper to use than sticking the heating in the entire house. In an age where rising heating costs are an issue for a large section of the population, elderly residents can find an electric blanket to relax while helping them save some money at the same time.

Magnifying Lamps

The main reason why you see a lot of older people wearing prescription glasses is that your eyes will start to deteriorate as you age. Glasses can help your vision during the day but that is no help when you want to read at night.

Reading is a great pastime, one that you start to appreciate more with age. However, sitting down with a book is pointless when you cannot see the words within. It can sometimes seem like no matter how much you twist and turn in the chair you can never seem to angle the light enough to see clearly.

Fortunately, magnifying lamps can mitigate these issues without any problems. The small light emitted highlights the text you point it at while the glass it is attached to enlarges the words so that you can see each one clearly. That is definitely better than squinting or bringing the book up to your nose to see.


It doesn’t matter whether your old age has caused your body to weaken or for you to develop arthritis, cleaning the house is one task everyone wants to avoid- especially when it involves hoovering. Lugging that hoover around is an issue in itself but, when you consider how vital it is for your health to remove the dust from your home, you really can’t win.

Therefore, you may want to consider using an automatic Rumba instead. A rumba is a small robot that will automatically roam your home to collect dust or dirt as it goes. It is essentially a hoover that you don’t have to worry about pushing around all the time. Once it is done, it will return to its charging dock on the floor. This means that you don’t even have to risk bending down to change the batteries.

Pill Organiser

A doctor will prescribe you medications to help you manage any illnesses you contract during your life. Unfortunately, reaching a certain age will mean that you will have more pills to deal with in your daily routine.

Mixing up your medications can cause some unpleasant side effects or cause the symptoms of your illnesses to resurface. That is why you need to be organised with your pills. That is what a pill organiser is for.

You can get these helpful caddies in numerous designs and shapes. Some are serrated into days while others can be labelled with specific times. Either way, you can split your medication up into these devices so that you are always taking the right pills when you need to. It also helps to set a reminder alarm so that you never miss one of these important doses.


You are never too old to splash out on some new accessories. Fortunately, the necessity of these accessories can help alleviate some of your guilt when you do. Growing old doesn’t have to be difficult, so make sure you are correctly prepared with the right tools for when the time arrives.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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