Top things to look for when hiring electrical inspection services

What to Look for While Hiring Electrical Inspection Services for the best service possible

We are so used to using electricity every day that it can be easy to overlook its importance. For its many advantages, it also important to remember that electrical systems can be hazardous. Keeping your electrical systems in great shape is vital for your safety and protection for yourself and your loved ones. Having your electrical system well-maintained can prevent unwanted troubles, and that’s why it’s important to look to the experts.

Electrician Service

It’s important to find a good electrical service when it comes to keeping your electrics up to scratch. Companies such as Hexo Services have you covered. Look no further for a proper electrical inspection to ensure you don’t have to worry about unexpected fires or shocks.

In this guide, we outline what to look for when hiring an electrical inspection service.

Hire Highly Qualified Electrical Inspectors

It is recommended to hire Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEIs) to perform all your electrical inspections.

You need to find highly skilled electricians and engineers who have on-field experience. They have to be licensed and trained to ensure that you are getting the very best qualified professionals to perform the inspection.

There is different licensing offered to electricians depending on where they will be inspecting and how big the site is.

Class G licenses allow the inspector to inspect low voltage installations, and the minimum experience they should have is five years, to ensure they have the experience to handle your home inspections. Bearers of this license usually inspect small homes and condos, with lower danger risks.

A Class H license will allow the inspector to inspect electrical equipment that is installed in hazardous conditions. They have an understanding of safety in electrical installations and testing, especially in hazardous areas.

A Class V license will allow the inspector to inspect high voltage installations. Bearers of this license are the ones who are usually responsible for inspecting large corporations and dangerous work sites. They are highly skilled and have to be very detail-oriented to ensure not a single risk is left unattended.

The Inspector Needs to Possess Good Traits

The combination of great technical training experience and great overall traits will result in you getting the best inspection service for your home or company.

Your inspector needs to possess one or more of these qualities which are very important in this job:

  • Commitment- Their level of commitment to the job should be evident in the early stages of the job. They have to be highly committed to ensuring that they don’t make mistakes on the job and provide safety to the clients.
  • Knowledgeable- Learning never stops. Your inspector needs to show a thirst for knowledge and willingness to learn more. The more knowledgeable they are, they can go above and beyond in providing electrical inspections.
  • Positive Attitude- A good attitude goes a long way. The more they care about their job and clients, the more willing they are in ensuring your safety from electrical dangers.
  • Attention to detail- Electricians need to be able to pick up the slightest abnormalities in your electrical systems for a thorough inspection process. 


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