10 Things To Make Your Home More Appealing To Buyers

If you are in the process of selling your home then you may be wondering what buyers are looking for. You might hear many different things about what buyers look for when it comes to properties. Something to bear in mind is that all potential buyers are different so you won’t be able to please everyone. When it comes to sorting out your home to sell there are a few things you need to consider, take a look below to find out more. 

make house more appealing
Photo by Saviesa Home: https://www.pexels.com/photo/kitchen-island-2089698/


One of the things you can do to make your home appealing to buyers is redecorate back to neutral colours.  When buyers come to look around your home, they may not have the same taste as you. While this is an inconvenience, if you are in a hurry to sell your home then it is one of the best things you can do. It is appealing due to the buyers then not having to decorate when they buy it, therefore they are less likely to knock money off the asking price. 

Fix The Garden 

If you are sorting the interior of your home then you also need to head outside. The garden should also be a top priority as you don’t want it to look messy when potential buyers pop by. You may not have been very green fingered while living in your home, however, now is the time to learn those skills. Make sure that your grass is kept short and any unruly weeds have been tamed. If you are unsure of what to do in your garden then you could hire a landscape gardener. 

Install A New Kitchen

Have you always dreamed of having a fantastic kitchen in your home? Well, a fully functioning kitchen that also looks gorgeous is high on the list of wants from buyers. Make sure that you tick every box in that kitchen, including an island or breakfast bar if you have the room. If you don’t want to pay out for a new kitchen then there are budget friendly upgrades you can do. Painting the cabinets a different colour and adding new handles will give the illusion of a brand new kitchen without the hefty price tag. 

Carry Out Repairs

You may have a long to-do list of repairs that you have kept putting off. Now is the time to start working through this list and fixing all the broken parts. These could be easy repairs such as filling in holes in the wall or larger repairs such as replacing tiles on your roof. The longer you put off repairs the higher the risk of more expensive and extensive damage. Buyers won’t want to carry out your repairs and will ask you to lower your asking price meaning you lose money. 

Upgrade Boiler

Have you been struggling to get your heating working during winter or does your hot water constantly cut out? This could be due to a dodgy or old boiler. Boilers should last around 10-15 years so if yours is nearing this age then be prepared to replace it. A new boiler is a huge appeal to buyers as they are not cheap purchases so it will be a few years before they need to replace it. Check out UK boiler brands to see which one will give you the most for your money. 


When buyers come to look around your home they don’t want to be met with your endless amounts of clutter. Your home really needs to look like you’re trying to sell it, meaning it should be clean and tidy. Think about what you wanted to see when you were originally looking for houses, if you came across a cluttered home you might not want to buy it. Head to each room and tackle them one by one, you don’t have to rush.

Deep Clean

Once you have decluttered it is time to carry out a deep clean of your home. You will need to ensure that you clean areas that may be missed during general weekly cleans. This could be the oven hood, skirting boards, or cobwebs in corners. You will need to vacuum, sweep, mop, and even steam to make your home look as good as new. If you don’t have time or you want a professional job then you could hire a cleaning company to do this for you. 

Create A Driveway

Something else you can do to make your home more appealing to potential buyers is create a driveway. Many homes these days, especially new builds will come with a driveway and that is what you are competing with. If you have enough space to play with them you can give yourself and your potential buyers a brand new parking space. Make sure you have planning permission of you don’t already have a driveway on your property. 

Renewable Energy

If you are trying to be kinder to the planet then you might want to look into a renewable energy source for your home. Buyers love sellers that think of the planet and are far more likely to put an offer on a home with solar panels than without. Solar panels are costly in the beginning but you will soon notice the difference in your energy bills. Make sure you contact a reputable company as you want the best panels available for your home. They can save you up to half on your annual bill. 

Additional Storage Space 

Does your home have enough storage options? If not, you may struggle to get the offers you need to sell. Buyers love storage, especially nifty storage ideas. For instance, pull-out shoe racks from under the stairs is a big winner. Think about where you can create the illusion of storage. This could be a garage or hidden units throughout your home. 

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We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some helpful tips and tricks on how to make your home appealing to buyers. There will be someone who wants your home for the right price so don’t undercut yourself. 

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyerhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on natasha@seeninthecity.co.uk


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