The benefits of Zumba and how it can improve your fitness

A perfect combination of both fun and fitness, Zumba classes have quickly become a world-wide phenomenon.

With over 15 million people jumping aboard the band wagon, it is a trend that is not going anywhere. I picked Zumba instructor Alexandria Murphy’s brains about the sport, and attended a class to see what all the fuss was about.

The benefits of Zumba

A perfect combination of both fun and fitness, Zumba classes have quickly become a world-wide phenomenon. With over 15 million people jumping aboard the band wagon, it is a trend that is not going anywhere.

I picked Zumba instructor Alexandria Murphy’s brains about the sport, and attended a class to see what all the fuss was about.

Alex explained to me that her class was a little different as she has been a dance teacher for ten years as opposed to a fitness instructor, meaning the workout was a lot smoother and similar to dancing. She also told me how she does all the choreography by herself to keep it fresh and interesting as opposed to using the standard, same-old dances provided by Zumba FItness.

The class was energetic from the word go. I am by no means unfit, but I was definitely sweating- and loving every second of it. I found myself getting lost into the rythm and bass of the music, and time went extremely quickly. The best bit was, it didn’t even feel like exercise! The next day I found myself aching in muscles I didn’t even realise I had, but I was all ready to go again!

Aside from it being a real laugh, there are a whole host of other benefits of Zumba’ing the night away. Alex took the time to shed some light on these for us as Seen in the City…

 1) Weight Loss

In my opinion, one of the most important benefits of Zumba is, of course, the spectacular weight loss this new fitness craze can bring. This extremely fun workout incorporates a lot of routines that will improve your cardiovascular system, which is extremely helpful in your fight to lose that unwanted weight. Also, the average person will burn around 600-1000 calories in a Zumba class- and not even feel it!

2) Body toning

Another fabulous benefit of this type of workout is that by practising it, you will be able to tone your entire body up in no time. This is because during a Zumba class, you move your body to the rhythm of the music meaning your muscles have to engage to make certain specific moves like squats and twists, thus allowing you to tone your entire body without even realising it.

3) You’ll make new friends!

By attending a Zumba class you will be able to meet and interact with interesting, fun people that you might not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.

4) It’s upbeat and fun

Unlike regular exercise classes that you may do, Zumba combats boredom by making it upbeat and fun. It you like music, you will surely enjoy this type of workout and the upbeat and energetic atmosphere that comes with it.

5) It is the perfect stress reliever

Zumba is the ideal workout for you to get rid of all the stresses you accumulate during your every day life- some people have said that Zumba is better than therapy! The upbeat moves specific to this type of workout favour the release of those mood improving endorphins and by joining a Zumba class you will be able to feel your worries melt away as you lose yourself in the music.

6) Improved coordination

By joining a zumba class your coordination will improve. This will help you throughout your life as bad coordination can lead to painful consequences when you get older.

7) It works for people of any age

Zumba is the perfect type of workout for all ages because it combines a lot of fun elements, like music and those energetic movements with exercising. There are even some Zumba programs designed especially for children called “Zumbatonic”, which helps them to be aware of the amazing benefits of exercising from an early age, making them feel more active and healthy. It’s also the perfect exercise for the elderly by helping them stay strong and subtle.

8) Greater Confidence

Zumba, in my opinion, is also the best way to boost confidence. Thanks to all that dancing that a Zumba workout requires, you’ll lower your inhibitions, you’ll improve your posture, you’ll have better coordination and you’ll feel good about yourself. These changes will reflect immediately on your mood and on your appearance.
To find a zumba class near you, simply look at the official website here

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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