Brighton Boxing Fitness – Class Review

Brighton Boxing Fitness – A class that will push you to your limits, burn fat, relieve your stress and leave you wanting more…

Brighton Boxing Fitness
Class length: 1 hour
Calories burnt: 1040

Brighton Boxing Fitness

Instructor Experience

Brighton Boxing Fitness is run by professional boxer Lee Jenman who retired earlier this year. Lee started boxing at amateur level at the age of 11 and went on to win his first National title at just 12. He continued his triumphwith winning the National ABA title and Junior Olympic Silver medal. Unsurprisingly it didn’t take long for the professional fights to start calling, and Lee remains undefeated as a pro.

I picked his brains on training techniques, and why this class is different from an ordinary Boxercise class.

“I was lucky enough to be trained by some of the best coaches in the country, each with a varied approach to training and I apply a number of those drills and techniques in my classes. Although the real impact on my coaching style is from my pro coach – he’d leave me in pools of sweat, gasping for air, and that was just a warm up! Back then he used to tell me to ‘deal with it’ and after a lot of moaning, that’s what I did.

I like to push people to their boundaries in my classes, of course each individual’s limits are different, but as long as you’re giving 100% you’ll see a smile on my face. You can play sports, you can’t play boxing. Your body has to be in the best shape it can possibly be and that’s why boxing training is like no other.”

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The Session

There is an even mix of men and women, and a wide range of ages, sizes and levels of fitness which immediately creates a comfortable environment to be in, however I quickly learnt that the class itself does not involve any sort of ‘comfort zone’.
The hour includes a solid combination of strength training and cardio, using a variety of different methods.

Boxing – a fusion of different punching styles with a partner at a combination of different speeds, heights and power.

Circuits – exercises such as planking, press ups, squat jumps and mountain climbers, ensuring all areas of the body are working hard.

Track Torment – This is a brilliant touch to the session. A music track is played, that has an exercise routine to suit. Notice I said exercise, not dance. This is an incredibly strenuous 3.5 minutes, but is the perfect ingredient to shake it up!

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The above is just a handful of training styles that take place at Brighton Boxing Fitness – weights, ropes, tyre flipping and sprinting come into play too, depending on the venue and the weather.

Hard core strenuous exercise lasts for the full hour and the cool down and stretch off follows after. There was no pressure from anyone but I felt as if I didn’t want to be last or give up and let the group down so I kept pushing. At the gym if I feel tired I just stop because there is nothing to keep me going. The instructor is firm and authoritative but still friendly, supportive and encouraging.

Be under no illusion, this isn’t a regular ‘Boxercise’ class – this is boxing training. Hard work and good fun, and I am not surprised I burnt over 1,000 calories in 60 minutes!

Brighton Boxing Fitness gets a Seen in the City 10/10.

Top Tip – NEVER forget to jog on the spot! (You’ll see why)

These classes get fully booked quickly, Like the Facebook page for updates and to get yourself booked in!



Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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