An interview with milliner Alexandra Harper

Extravagant, imaginative and experimental are three words many of us recognize in fashion, and now millinery is having its moment. Here’s our interview with milliner Alexandra Harper…

With headwear fast adorning the majority of catwalks, and milliners becoming as in-demand as dress makers, it is with excitement we head to East London to speak to top milliner Alexandra Harper herself.

She has the ability to throw together studs, spikes, beads, loops, handmade flowers and feathers with a bit of acrylic and some skilled craftsmanship, and produce something amazing. The boutique itself is contemporary and chic with an enticing black exterior and Alex’s vibrant designs in the window.

She introduces herself and shows us a bit around the building, which is half a studio and half her shop to display her pieces. All in all, it is a beautifully designed, creative hub which leaves even my fingers twitching to get designing, and my eyes not quite knowing what to look at, in fear of missing something amazing.Alexandra Harper Millinery Alexandra Harper MillineryAlexandra Harper Millinery

Nick nacks adorn every inch of space, in what I can only call organised, creative clutter. Every spot boasts colour and texture, inspiration simply dripping from the walls.

She is wearing a simply black top, animal print leggings and some grandad-style brown loafers- and believe me, it worked. She explains how she started her business after a hatred for the career she had chosen- a lawyer- she hated the uncreatively and expression of exploration, and wanted something with life and colour. One evening at home she was playing around with an old wooden hat log of her Grandmothers, and decided to make a piece. This led onto her realising a hidden talent, and soon enough she was commissioned by her girlfriends to create their exquisite headpieces, and then external clients, and eventually she could start up her own business.
alexandra-harper-3 alexandra-harper-2 I quiz her a little on her designs, from what was her most outrageous design (answer: a purple, sparkly tophat for a gay couple’s wedding) to who she would most like to create a hat for (Lady Gaga). See our interrogation of the talented designer below…

 Where do you get your inspiration from?

 Everywhere! Nature, birds, plants, flowers. Somtimes it’s something more rigid such as architecture. It’s pretty much anything that has texture, design or pattern, however a lot of what goes into a collection has to reflect what is happening in the fashion industry at the current time and coordinate with that.

What is your favourite piece you have ever designed?

A massive 2ft wide hat which was made from completely natural peacock feathers and was for a fashion festival in Australia. I loved that collection, it could be really out there!

 How many years have you done this for?

About eight years taking part time into account, but 4/5 years full time.

Do you plan to expand to designing other things?

I would love to design shoes, it is something I have considered but not done yet. Hats are so interesting and you can do so much with them I’m sticking to them for the moment- but never say never!

Proudest moment?

Opening this shop! It was a culmination of lots of yeats of effort and persistence and to see all the hard work pay off was amazing.

Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Still in this shop (I love it!) but with more stockists, and international stockists, as it is just the UK and Australia at the moment. I would like to stock in Selfridges and Harrods.

What is important to you about your brand?

I like keeping it to all one-off pieces, you know whatever you get from me will be uniquely yours. I offer complete one-offs that are different to anything else you could get out there, they’re easy to wear, unique and loved. They can work for every sort of woman.

How long does it take to make them?

It totally differs- smaller pieces with not much handwork can take a couple of hours, but those which are massive or have lots of hand sewing and beading can be days!

 Finally, do you have a piece of styling advice?

 Stay true to yourself. I know it is cliche but always works for any woman. Don’t be swayed by what you see in a magazine, take inspiration but make it work for you. stay mindful of your body, your shape and your personality.

Alexandra Harper Millinery

 You can see Alexandra Harper’s collection online at

Alexandra Harper Millinery Shop/Studio:
25 Arlington Way

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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