Commuting essentials for your handbag

See our commuting essentials – making that journey to work a little bit easier…

There is nothing worse than the journey to work. Its even worse if you have to use public transport. It almost makes you hate work even more.
Ladies and gentleman, I give you commuting.
By far, It’s not the best part of your day, and can actually make your working day worse before its even begun. Whether you’re travelling fifteen minutes or a lengthy two hours, it always feels worse when you have a fellow commuter breathing down your neck. But you know what can make that commute a little easier?
Feeling like it wasn’t a complete waste of time.
So we present to you, must haves commuting essentials for your handbag for those early morning and late evenings, to make that travelling process feel a little more comfortable…

City Commuting Essentials


No one likes waking up earlier than needed, so why not have your breakfast on the go. Even better make it the night before and chuck in your bag before you dash out the door to catch your train. Over night oats and fruit salads with yogurt are fail safe healthy alternatives to that sloppy croissant you’d usually grab at the station.

TV Shows

You’ll either have a laptop, iPad or a good smart phone, maybe even all, so there is no reason you can’t catch up on the tv you missed the night before. Download your latest TV episode right onto your portable device and watch on the journey to work. Never miss out on the office gossip on last nights Game of Thrones.


A little non 21st century, but you can’t go wrong with a good old book. Whether you’re a 50 Shades of Grey kinda girl, or a Sense and Sensibility literate, its always something to sink your teeth into on that mind numbing journey. Hit your local charity shop for cheap finds, or join a library so you’d never have to exchange pennies for the latest crime thriller.

Portable Charger

This won’t actually cure boredom, but without it those little devices that are curing it, could die. Really small and handy, plug your usb lead in to remote charge any device necessary. Our devices might give us endless possibilities, but your battery sure can’t!

Antibacterial Gel

Antibacterial hand gel I only recommend this because, well, if you’re eating and applying make-up, you don’t want to be using the germ ridden hands you’ve used to get on the train, buy your ticket, or keep you stable. We’ve all seen the adverts, so keep some anti-bacterial gel handy to
disinfect your hands before you touch your make up sponge or delve into your hearty breakfast.


A good pick me up song can turn anyones mood around. So, if its only Tuesday and you’re already tired of the early mornings and your bosses face, then listen to some upbeat or mellow tunes to divert your attention. Spotify offer some great morning playlists, or you could do better and make your own to ensure complete musical control on the way to the office.


You never know when sunglasses are going to come in handy and if you’re sat on the bus or train by a window, there can be nothing more annoying than the sun being in your eyes- especially if you’re trying to read your book. Plus, they make a stylish addition to your outfit and can hide any early-morning bags under your eyes!

What are your city commuting essentials? Let us know in the comments below.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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