Top 5 Romantic Valentines Weekend Break ideas

For a Valentines gift that will keep on giving

Looking for the perfect gift this Valentines Day but feel that chocolate and flowers doesn’t quite cover it? Romantic city breaks can be an unforgettable experience to treat just the two of you. Teaming up with, we have compiled a list of great destinations that your partner will love.

Valentines day break


Paris has a reputation in itself as being the city of love, which is why it is first on the list. As well as having the romance factor, you can explore its maze of fascinating sights. The Lourve, Versailles and Notre Dame are obvious choices, but it is also known for having wonderful markets for fashion, art and food.

As well as being easy to get to, and with 4 star packages from £129pp, Paris is perfect for a weekend away.


A city of beauty of culture, Prague is a destination where neither of you will be disappointed. There is entertainment around every corner, with restaurants and bars often filling the streets with magical music and delicious delicacies. Take in the gorgeous views from Charles Bridge and sample some of the best beers across Bohemia.


Explore the city that is Venice: romantic canal trips, secret passageways and epic grandeur. Venice thrives on mystery and awe and gives a tantalising glimpse in ancient routes. As well as its captivating charm, Venetian architecture lines the banks with such exquisite marble pieces, you will never want to leave. Packages start at £99pp.


Stunning scenery and with cosmopolitan charm, Budapest is regarded as one of Europe’s best cities for it’s top-class restaurants, plentiful galleries and nightlife. Spend a day visiting the Royal Palace, take a Danube cruise for beautiful panoramic views or have a taste of authentic Hungary at one of the award winning restaurants.


Who says you have to leave the UK for a great break away? Cornwall is one of the top rated destinations in England; with sandy beaches, a myriad of wonderful hotels and the location that supposedly holds the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’; it is a fantastic choice if you don’t want to leave the country.

Emma Barnes
Emma Barnes
Hi I'm Emma and I'm a fashion design student at the University of Brighton. I've loved fashion for as long as I can remember, so being part of this team and writing articles about what I love is amazing. When I'm not immersed in fashion however, I'll hopefully be on a Californian beach visiting my long distance boyfriend!


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