Moyra Awoyemi – New Talent

Moyra Awoyemi

Moyra is a British Graphic Fashion Designer and Pattern Cutter from London graduating from Regents University London July 2016. She describes her approach to fashion as very weird and unconventional with burst of comical visuals.

Tell us a bit about your final collection:

My final collection is about being true to yourself and showing the real you. There are influences from gaming, Japanese culture and teeth.

My concept intends to push boundaries to show a different side to the way fashion is perceived, sometimes people can hold back from doing or wearing certain things just because they are afraid they won’t be socially accepted. I ultimately wanted to challenge that and show a side to my personality whether it be accepted or not. This collection represents fun, carefree ideals and graphic tastes.

How would you describe your style?

I would say my style is very graphic and alternative. I like to always see the humorous side of things which brings out the comical influences in my work. I can be very indecisive which allows me to be more open minded to anything new.

Who’s your fashion icon and why?

I’d have to say Rei Kawakubo, she is the reason why I wanted to study fashion. There was a point in my life where I didn’t know what I wanted to do as a profession, but the one thing I knew was that I wanted to do something that allowed me to express myself in many ways. Five years ago I came across her work and at that point my mind was officially blown. From the ideals of traditional right down to her technical pattern cutting, I was in awe of her standard of work and her representation in the industry. Just like me she is also very unconventional in the way she approaches fashion and what is deemed beautiful.

Where would you like to be in five years?

In five years, I will have my own streetwear brand, I will also be constantly be apart of ongoing collaborations with the gaming industry, graphic designers and illustrators. As well as that I will have my own studio where I will be doing pattern cutting for clients worldwide.

Where is your favourite place to go in London and why?

My favourite place will definitely have to be Brick Lane, I always have fun every time I go there. It is literally like a gallery, it’s cultural and there’s always something new to discover and learn about.




Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


  1. Awesome! It is always refreshing when new talent is discovered. There is no one way of fashion so it’s good to see that young people in fashion are coming out with expressive designs rather than the conventional type dress sense of the old. The world is diverse with people who like different styles and which to express themselves. Thanks for highlighting this and showing that expressing yourself and who you are is what freedom is all about. Good luck to all the New talents out there.


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