Costa Navarino : A Classic Greek Setting

Costa Navarino offers a quaint and idyllic luxury unlike any other…

Flying into the newly established route to the small yet mightily efficient Kalamata Airport, actually named after the modern day father of the region of Messenia, Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos, we began our journey into the Peloponnese, a picturesque region in South West Mainland Greece transformed into the fertile and thriving retreat that it is today – the land of Costa Navarino.

It was a pleasure to be among the first to experience British Airways new international charter flight to the Peloponnese, their natural munificent service from lounge to landing is always a pleasure to have. British Airways delivered us in such pleasing fashion to our destination, as always meeting all your needs and wants with a smile, allowing one to truly enjoy their air travel – an event which is unmatched.

Costa Navarino

Kalamata airport is a quaint stamp on the envelope of the Peloponnese and a fine introduction to the region. It is a single terminal, single passport check, single bag collection carousel and single building of humble brilliance – a stroke of modesty in an aeronautical world consistent of behemoth buildings and hangers which are big enough to traffic the very planes themselves through the gates. And to me, ignorant in my experience of charter airports of anything other: landing on the minimal runway strip and walking into the arrival gate, it was quite a revelation to behold such a simple and unembellished scene as this singularity, Kalamata airport did truly lend one to wonder why other airports don’t heed this example. It is adorable.

Only an hour or so drive to our Greek Vista (compared to what would have been another 3 hour journey time on the former route landing in Athens) it was of little wonder why British Airways took a closer course to the region of Messenia and lay to roost in such a fitting setting. The like for like was clearly experienced in the refined classicality of the characteristic British and Greek hospitality, a manner of genteel politeness and hospitality that runs through the veins of both archetypal civilisations and cultures.

To study Classics is study ancient Greek History and Philosophy mingled with a ripple of Mythology, and the scenes you set in your imagination of this Greek backdrop is exactly the vision of Messenia; as far as my experience of Greece goes – this being my first visit – it was a region that exuded an air of familiar antiquity. Visiting the local beach, Voidokilia Beach, is in itself a walk through time, with ruins of a thirteenth-century Frankish castle, Old Navarino, brimming the top of the inimical rocky peaks that surround the region. The very namesake of the epic bay loosely translating to cow’s stomach, dubbed such for the aesthetic omega shape of the bay and eluding to the lore of Nestor’s cave, carved into the jagged cliff edge on the West perimeter of the bay where, according to myth, Hermes had hidden the stolen cows of Apollo.

Costa Navarino

This Greek setting, already rich with the essence of ancient epic, Voidokilia beach, Homer’s “sandy Pylos”, also played host to cultural legend of King Nestor finding, welcoming and accommodating Telemachus, son of Odysseus, and did so without need or want to ask who he was for three days whilst he was in his care, illuminating a legacy of the Messenian people to deliver unconditional Greek hospitality.

Now, 800 years on, Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos took root and cultivated the Messenian landscape into the modern Costa Navarino complex: a sustainable eco-system in the sense of developing a rich and flourishing agricultural system and in a sense of and economy. Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos founded Costa Navarino to bring prosperity of business to the region, with development of a new agriculture by transplanting of aged olive trees, a region with the perfect climate for orchards of such. The Polopenese is a natural environment which used to host grape vines for a thriving raisin trade, 60 years ago Kalamata Olive Orchard began and in 2011 Costa Navarino Resort started. With the development of Costa Navarino 2500 people have become employed and 80% of which are native to Messinia:  Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos took great investment into this, his hometown region, to help inject some life and give something back to Messinia – and that he has certainly achieved. Constantakopoulos realised his dream in 2011 with the opening of The Westin Hotel and village complex, and now his family and children are upholding his legacy and are putting great effort into the complex.

With 6 golf lawns and more to come, Costa Navarino is the perfect warm weather climate to host a spectacular hole and provides a great alternative cross country running track in the evenings. And there is still more planned for the mecca – practically a mini city providing you your every need. It is a clever rebirth of an historically enriched area, bringing life and prestige back to the previously uninhabited vineyard region.

Costa Navarino

Upon a curious guided bike tour of from our Hotel, The Westin, to Voidokilia Beach we could see the scape of Navarino Dunes, a stunningly beautiful west-facing resort, hosting The Romanos, a Luxury Collection Resort and The Westin Resort, Costa Navarino. Inspired by old Messinian mansions and traditional rural houses, clusters of low-rise villas have been carved into the landscape using native stone and local design elements, blending in a perfect harmony with the dusty red landscape – matching the earth it stood on.

It is important to also note that the development of such a grand plan is of organic epic proportions, ensuring that the integrity of the land goes unspoilt by production, keeping respect and honour natural habitat. Behind Voidokilia  Beach is a flat water plain of still in land lakes – and area which plays host to many species of birds as the most Southerly rest stop on their migration North: Costa Navarino has been sure not to inhibit this natural eco system and wealth of native wildlife.

The Westin Space has a central arena, the same as any village in Greece – a square fit for all to congregate at the heart village. Again an ancient tradition honoured in this modern day saga. With this air of authenticity it certainly doesn’t feel new or young but time honoured and grand, especially sitting with cocktail in hand at the 1827 bar overlooking the beauty of the architecture and the traditional of texture in every detail.

Costa Navarino

As a part of our excursions we were welcomed into two lovely ladies little cottage on a hill just overlooking an impressive golfing ground, they were Greek through and though, speaking hardly any English, but communicated with smiles as they taught us how to make pasta. Wow was their cooking impressive, but what really won me over was the sharing of frivolity in the form of traditional Greek dance – and it is harder than it looks – especially with two grappa’s in you. We danced to many Greek classics – amongst which was of course Zorba! It was the highlight of my trip – an intimate gathering of familiar strangers – it was as if we had been introduced to the true meaning of Platonic love – that is love for your comrade, guest and host.

Messenian, Greek hospitality is the best service one could ask for – always delivered with a smile and always generous and sincere. If you need any more cause to go to this part of Greece, then there isn’t a better reason than to experience this delightful Greek etiquette for yourself.

From cocktails and golf; to deluxe premier spa treatments*; hiking; cycling; swimming, and literally everything else in-between, Costa Navarino has everything (including a bowling alley). And best saved for last is for the excellent dining experiences in the all brilliant half a dozen restaurants surrounding the complex: truly noteworthy was Da Luigi with food which you can tell both dining with the main menu and by the star quality menu served upstairs,  that this kitchen is ran by a Michelin star chef from Rome. Of note was of course Flame overlooking a wonderful horizon – a truly exquisite dining space, however, my definitive favourite restaurant of Costa Navarino has to be Barbouni Beach Restaurant: Costa Navarino has permission to build 30m from shoreline, enabling such a spectacular beach setting to enjoy the wonderfully fitting cuisine of delectable sea-food prepared with fervour and delicacy; truly amazing food, amazing vibe and my number one daily chill out zone with my heart’s desire of great food and beverage neighbouring my sun bed.

Costa Navarino

*Anazoe Spa is a brilliant must visit Spa, which I would say if of an internationally brilliant standard. With sensational relaxing treatments derived from ancient Greek practices, and a Spa bath area with its own Salt Rich Pool – a miniature Black Sea, you need look no further for an ultimate cleansing and revitalising and Zen zone, the spa’s unique oleotherapy treatments were uncovered at Nestor’s Palace and date back to times of Homer.

Oh and I haven’t even begun to mention the wine. The White, Rose and Red 1827 Signature wines are really spectacular – I would know for I drank some of all every day and or night, without a single compromise (not a hangover) just pure wine bliss.

Costa Navarino is absolutely the perfect setting for anything and prepared for everything.

Costa Navarino

My true vestige of this whole Navarino nirvana, after making quick work of indulging in my Kalamata Extra Virgin Olive Oil, is not just the lingering but very real tan and smile lines remaining from enjoying the warm weather and lavishing in great food and wine, and delighting in their generous supply. Nor is it merely the remembrance of an ancient potency to the region and the resurrection of such decency in every respect of the word. No, what I have gained from this whole journey is an extremely well obliged penchant for Kalamata Olive Tapenade – An absolutely fabulous treat for breakfast lunch or (and) dinner – I discovered it at our daily buffet breakfasts with variety more than one can imagine, it was buffet of awesome produce – The olive tapenade was the best thing I have discovered since Vegan Glazed Donuts! But wow, Black olive tapenade is now an essential shopping list item – this trip to the Peloponesse has indeed changed my life.

Even sitting here now thinking of my whole experience of the place, and the image that remains in my mind is a picture of aged olive trees in groves, growing in an Earthy rustic land and in a unique climate. I think travelling the world is about learning the local of where you are and sensing the natural rhythm of the weather cycle and ecosystem of the which share. And for me, this part of the world, of the Mediterranean, is a distinguished climate which has yielded such a lush and vivid scene. Costa Navarino feels as old as the trees it farms, the place feels established, and it is as if Messenia is a natural and organic home and stage for it, a resuscitation of life back to a thriving, picturesque and sensationally potent vista.

I have never known a place to be so stimulating, it is the perfect Greek and Medditarrenean destination to date. Allow yourself to walk through time and experience the feel of this ancient and wise wisteria, a setting of classic proportions, a scape that has witnessed archaic histories and a scope of changing scenes through time. It’s the same way I look at trees and feel their wisdom and age, but there is nothing more solid than rock, and the red dust of Messenia tells many epic chronicles of time, with Costa Navarino making the freshest entry.

Costa Navarino

Bask in the class and finesse of the harmonious Costa Navarino of Messenia, founded by Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos, he has unearthed a paragon: true Greece classic.

British Airways started flying the new route to Kalamata on April 30 2016.

 Kalamata – British Airways Holidays offers seven nights at the 5* The Westin Resort Costa Navarino, from £1299 per person, travelling July 1 – July 31 & September 1 – September 17. Includes Euro Traveller return flights from London Heathrow and accommodation with breakfast. Book by June 30. For reservations visit or call 0344 493 0125.

Natasha Gatward
Natasha Gatward
Hey! I’m the other Natasha of Seen In The City. Writing has always been a passion of mine, though I find it to be only one of many of my creative expressions. I love to design and create in lots of different ways, not the least of which is in the way that I like dress myself from day to day. I like to consider myself a bit of a charity shop queen/master, whichever suits my mood.



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