A Tidal shift: welcome the launch of Tribalik’s salient sister, Sea Gypsy

Tribalik Jewellery Brighton launches sister store

15 doors down the street from its sibling, the new 18 Sydney Street, Sea Gypsy, beholds a whole world of wonder.

Beguiling temptations and treasures of the Sea, iridescent Shells and Pearls alike, carved and cast into wonderful patterns and shapes of organic elegance and tribal beauty, the Gypsy fairy treasures are of delicate but strong beauty, cast from 925 Sterling Silver, or Plated in 18K Gold and its Rose tinted sister.

Sea Gypsy

Sea Gypsy is an aesthetic born out of the sandy, ancient corners of the world, rich with incredible natural treasures of the ocean washed ashore, and more enchanting jewels -enchanted by the magic of the rich history of the ocean, an aquatic world full of soul and wild passions, an amphibious realm akin to the whispered Kingdoms of the Gods of the Sea; envisage a rich coliseum of the epic Greek myths of Poseidon, and the equally magnificent Roman epitaph of Neptune – it’s a wonder that a force of nature so powerful as the ocean can create such unquestionably exquisite visions of beauty. A waterborne heaven, leading onto the sandy Nirvana that is the beach, where Sea Gypsy Jewels are born, out of beautiful materials from the wondrous world around us, cast and created with such love and care, every design is a diamond to behold.

The shop itself, decked out with golden starfish, and gorgeously crafted floating sand wood octopi, truly captures the essence of the desert sea bed scene, an aesthetic captured in the Sea Gypsy photo shoot and the vision that was the inception of this, Tribalik’s sister brand, the fruits of the mystical marine in akin to the earthy, indigenous, celestial tribal realm harnessed by Tribalik.

Sea Gypsy

Captaining the Sea Gypsy ship is the Swashbuckling Mexican, Diego Perez and his fair Maiden, Sarah Dorothy Perez, together they cross the Seven Seas to all corners of the globe to find these rare yet perfect treasures for everyone’s body Jewellery needs.

Sea Gypsy handles in only the most precious of metals, all dazzling crafts of Silver and Gold in their stores, only the most beautiful of jewels for this ship.

Silver has protective and reflective properties, used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. Silver metal is joined with the Moon and all of the Lunar Goddesses in the universe, it is said to channel these Moons energy and protect the wearer from negativity and evil forces. Many nations also consider Silver to recover one’s protection, mental peace, luck and through its reflective nature, use it sharpen ones psychic sensitivity.

Sea Gypsy

Gold has, for hundreds of years, been seen as a symbol of money and social status and in times before, in the primitive tribal golden ages, it was also recognised as a token of luck and wealth. Gold has a key elemental nature to bolster confidence and bring happiness and peace to any-body to whomsoever adorns it, as a body ornament or jewellery. The sacred power of this gleaming metal has long been established in ancient Chinese, Persian and Indian yogic tradition, it is thought that Gold augments Absolute Fire Principle that enables the Chakras above the waist to absorb positive energies and opens the Crown Chakra, bringing luck and protection from, and elimination of, strong negative or black energies.

Delicate elegance of majestic mermaid fancy, a Gypsy concept of style which is as timeless as the grooves of the tribal, as the pores in coral: All, this time, stationed by one almighty anchor, upon a vessel charting the great free gypsy sea in discovery of beauty in treasures of unique quality and exquisite design.

Sea Gypsy

First conceived out of the far corners of the world, the originating brand, Tribalik, is inspired by the organic and inherent native style in the patterns, shapes, materials and natural design of the living world. Every design is handmade with love and care, and is such that each piece has its own uniqueness, it is a quality of seeing perfection in the imperfections, the personality and values of a company that is 100% fair trade and brings only love to their industry and products. This same home-grown aesthetic is present in Sea Gypsy’s bows, the Perez’s founding tenets and bold designs are the great elements that propel this venture. It is such a pleasure to see an uncompromisingly honourable international retailer, thriving on Brighton’s Sydney Street.

Since Tribalik’s launch, body ornamentation has had a renaissance: where body modification has become more widely adopted and closely inspired by the indigenous tribes where practicing body modification has been a part of their culture and a symbol of beauty for centuries. Out of a fascination with this tribal culture and attraction to its beauty, 6 years ago, Tribalik was established at 1a Sydney Street in Brighton’s North Laines, a blessed place to provide this traditional jewellery, some designs inspired, hand-made, and produced by the very tribal communities themselves.

Sea Gypsy

Body modification is not recent feat, but has had a revival in modern culture. Expanding and Stretching Jewellery has become as popular as any other piercing, and is so across every global culture, and it is liberating. To see beauty in this practice of alteration is undercutting the scope of stereotypical ‘traditional’ beauty in terms of the pure and perfect human, and instead sees beauty in terms of looking less human and more uniquely distinguished. With all the body modification options out there and the array of beautiful jewellery out there, it is astounding the variety of choice one has to express oneself and with it a movement is taking place, one that is transgressing beauty expectations in the form of a preternatural, anti-conservative, beauty – the traditional before these modern customs, the original traditional.

Tribalik has provided a much needed supply of tribal jewellery to a world previously less aware of its demand. It seems we owe a lot to Tribalik for the diversity of style of ethnic jewellery which is at our finger tips today.

Sea Gyspy

Now, with the birth of their second venture and sister company, the harmonic and shimmering waterborne Yin, to Tribalik’s earthbound Yang, Sea Gypsy is the next step in this world of natural beauty. Like when the aboriginal tribes of the Polynesian Islands had found in the land materials such as, coconut, horn, and precious stones such as Jade, as it is in our nature to explore, these ancient peoples also took to the Ocean on a voyage of discovery, of course finding rare and beautiful wonders of the world such as the iridescent Abalone (Paua) Shells and famous Black Pearls of New Zealand.

The Gypsy, the Nomad, and the Vagrant: a drifter in search of experiences and things which reflect the beauty one sees in this world. A beauty of expression in body ornamentation and modification, a sense of enabling one to alter one’s appearance to look more like the person you feel inside.

Sea Gypsy


As I sat in the offices upstairs, interviewing Sarah & Diego Perez, listening to them as they painted these rich and animated pictures of this, their vision, for me, the impassioned tenors in their voices combined with the reverberation of an excellent sound system singing out melodies of modern classic bohemian reggae from the shop below, the dream started to feel like a reality: let’s just say Sea Gypsy’s launch party is a date in the diary to look forward to, the shop will be one big piñata exploding with merriment. Not to mention the fully patio’d South Laines mini garden, the perfect concrete jungle to rock a ‘last summer sun’ BBQ in the late October month.

Sea Gypsy has had its ‘soft launch’ and opened trade around 2 months ago, they plan to host their official launch in October to take advantage of the Fashion Industry’s Seasonal Calendar, launching with the UK’s release of the 2017 Spring/Summer Collections. So, look them up on Tribalik’s Facebook or Instagram to catch the exact dates! It’s going to be bubbly I hear…

Sea Gypsy

The Perez’s also plan to launch a Sea Gypsy Facebook and Etsy Store in the very near future, though in the meantime, your best bet is to visit Tribalik’s new Collections on their exclusive website where you will find all of Tribalik’s best-sellers and most classic of pieces, from Yogic symbols, to Skulls, and if that isn’t enough for you, you will find a lot of the Sea Gypsy Signature Silver and Gold designs through the New Products section on the website www.tribalik.co.uk

Keep an eye on Tribalik for updates on these three upcoming Launches of the Sea Gypsy brand, we know we’ll be waiting with baited breath!

From the Sun, the Moons and the stars, Tribe and Gypsy say, namaste.


Natasha Gatward
Natasha Gatwardhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hey! I’m the other Natasha of Seen In The City. Writing has always been a passion of mine, though I find it to be only one of many of my creative expressions. I love to design and create in lots of different ways, not the least of which is in the way that I like dress myself from day to day. I like to consider myself a bit of a charity shop queen/master, whichever suits my mood.


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