How to: Use a foam roller to get toned and massage your muscles

The foam roller is a relatively new piece of equipment which many fitness professionals have been incorporating into their daily routine.

A piece of equipment which is shaped like a log and comes in many shapes and sizes, the foam roller is a perfect alternative to an expensive sports massage and also a great way to get toned.

Foam Rolling can be incorporated into a warm up to help improve circulation around the body, relieve muscle tightness and prepare your body for a better workout. It can also be used in a cool down to help flush out toxins, improve flexibility, reduce inflammation and aid to a faster recovery.


When using a roller, try to target the areas which are most tender, spending around 60 seconds rolling each area out, applying as much or little pressure that feels good for you. As you roll, control your breathing whilst concentrating on the pace (You do not want to go too fast.) If you find a knot, you can concentrate on that area by applying direct pressure or rolling back and forth until the knot eases.

Using a roller can be uncomfortable and sometimes tedious,  but like stretching, the benefits outweigh the cons by a mile.

Below we have put together a selection of exercises for you to try…



How to do it:

Position yourself with your stomach face-down.  Place the roller under your hips on your quadriceps and slowly roll up and down on the roller from the top of your thigh to the top of your knee.


Foam_Roller_Quads_Seen_In_The_City Foam_Roller_Quads_Seen_In_The_City

How to do it:

Sit down on your bottom with your legs out straight in front of you. Place the foam roller under both your hamstrings  and lift your body up with your hands behind you. Start with the roller just under your knees and slowly roll to just below the bottom and repeat again.


home foam roller workout


How to do it:

Sit down on your bottom with your legs out straight in front of you. Place the foam roller under your calf muscles and lift your body up with your hands behind you. Start with the roller just under your knees and slowly roll to just below the ankles and repeat.


Foam_Roller_Shins_Seen_In_The_City Foam_Roller_Shins_Seen_In_The_City

How to do it:

Kneel down with your hands and shins on the floor, place the foam roller underneath your shins (Just below your knee) and start shifting your weight and roll the foam roller from the top of your shin down to your lower shin (Above your ankles)

IT Band

Foam_Roller_IT_Band_Seen_In_The_City Foam_Roller_IT_Band_Seen_In_The_City

How to do it:

Lie on your side and place the foam roller underneath your right hip on the floor. Cross your right leg over your left and put both hands on the ground for support. Shift your weight and roll the foam roller from the top of your thigh to the bottom. Once done swap to the other leg.


Foam_Roller_Lats_Seen_In_The_City Foam_Roller_Lats_Seen_In_The_City

How to do it:

Lie down on your side, with the foam roller under your armpit. (As seen above). Shift your weight so that the foam roller, rolls down from just under your armpit to your waist, and then roll back up to your armpit. Once completed, repeat on your other side.



How to do it:

Sit on the floor with your legs straight, place the foam roller under your bottom and bend your knees slightly, placing your hands on the floor for support. Shift your weight and move your butt across the roller and back again. (Remember this is a small movement)

Lower Back

Foam_Roller_Lower_Back_Seen_In_The_City Foam_Roller_Lower_Back_Seen_In_The_City

How to do it:

Sit on the floor with your legs bent, place the foam roller just above your bottom and place your hands on the floor behind you. Shift your weight so that the foam roller, rolls just above your lower back, and roll back to the start position. (Be careful no to put to much pressure on your lower back)

Buyers guide  

There are many different foam rollers available in different shapes and sizes, some with softer foam, some with a textured surface. For beginners it is advised to commence with a softer roller that will be more gentle on the muscles and an advanced user with a more muscular physique will require a denser roller.

We have teamed up with to give you a selection of foam rollers to suit all levels of fitness. Each of these foam rollers comes with a training manual to help you develop your knowledge and routine.

Gofit Foam Roller – £23.37: Buy here

As seen above in our routing, the Gofit Roller is perfect for all levels. Roll away stress and lower back pain as well as improve balance, alignment and stability.Foam_Roller_Blue_Seen_In_The_City

Gofit Professional Foam Roller – £26.59 – 33.70: Buy here 

Designed to withstand heavy use, molded with a durable foam construction – this roller is perfect for deep tissue massage.



Extreme Massage Roller – £41.68: Buy here

The surface of the GoFit Extreme Roller has moulded firm bumps with an egg crate design which work like the fingers of a massage therapist.


Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:



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