Earn £3,000 travelling the world instagramming each island

This is no ordinary internship…royal caribbean-instagram

Thoughts that spring to mind about a typical internship is sitting down at a desk all day, photocopying for people and running around getting coffee – (oh joy!). But what if we told you there was an internship so much better than that? So much more exhilarating, something that involves creativity, excitement, gives you that extra buzz and doesn’t involve photocopying? Well this is where Royal Caribbean comes in. They are offering the chance to sail for three consecutive weeks, experience three different cruise ships and be paid! All they want in return is you to share your instagram expertise, capturing photos for their social channel along the way.
This new “Intern-Ship” (sorry we couldn’t resist!) program is giving you a real chance of a lifetime. Over the weeks, you will sail to regions including New York, the Caribbean, Asia and the Mediterranean. All travel, accommodation and daily expenses will be included and on top of that you will receive £3,000 in prize money. Plus, the only uniform you need will be your swimmers, sandals and shades!

In case you are thinking it’s all too good to be true and wondering if there’s a catch, well there’s not! All they are looking for is:

  • Skilled in Instagram with extensive knowledge of all 23 filters
  • Exemplary ability to capture stunning views, extraordinary experiences, beautiful sunsets and amazing stories on social media
  • Inquisitive nature, love storytelling and enjoy sharing experiences
  • Unbeatable sense of adventure and hunger for the extraordinary
  • Own a smartphone
  • And most importantly photocopying, administrator and tea-making skills are not required!

Find out more and how to apply here 

Please note: you must be a minimum 21 years old, UK and Republic, entries close on the 31st January.  


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