Say hello to your new ‘It’ coffee – the blue algae latte…

Trend Alert: The Blue Latte

A healthy alternative to the classic latte, hipsters and indies alike will lap this up.

It’s brewed with ginger, coconut milk, lemon agave and live E3 blue algae powder which was crafted and created by Matcha Mylkbar in Melbourne. This vegan ‘smurf’ is packed full of powerful antioxidants derived from the algae.. which means that there is no need for the caffeine to perk you up. It’s more than just a pretty face with over 65 vitamins, enzymes and minerals mixed together to make it super healthy. It can also be absorbed straight into the body. The ones lucky enough to try it describe it as a ‘prominently sweet, gingery taste before the drink succumbed to a funky sourness that lingered long after the last sip.’

Blue latte

This photogenic drink appears to have knocked Matcha off it’s trend pedestal and we’re not surprised with its Instagram wow factor. Matcha Mylkbar also sell other creative lattes including Beetroot, Charcoal and even Mushroom! Despite the odd sounding flavour, the drink will sell on aesthetic alone. Whilst only being available in Australia right now, it will soon be making its way to the UK and we’ll be the first to let you know all the details…

Emma Barnes
Emma Barnes
Hi I'm Emma and I'm a fashion design student at the University of Brighton. I've loved fashion for as long as I can remember, so being part of this team and writing articles about what I love is amazing. When I'm not immersed in fashion however, I'll hopefully be on a Californian beach visiting my long distance boyfriend!


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