Review: Quaglino’s Q-Lunch – Delicious dining worth waiting until the weekend for

Qualino’s Q-Lunch gives sunday lunching a whole new meaning…

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. London is an exciting city. On any given day of the week we are utterly spoilt for choice with things to do, see and eat. We’re also blessed with some of the greatest restaurants on the planet. They’ve arrived and stayed. As such, there will always be a home for good food here. Cue Sunday lunch at Quaglino’s or more accurately the absolutely divine Quaglino’s Q-Lunch. It is available from 11.30am-2.30pm every Sunday and a glorious experience as I found out on my visit…

The Food

I whet my appetite with four rich, succulent Colchester island oysters served with shallot vinegar – an ideal kick-starter. Skip other condiments and stick to this as I found that it balanced the flavours incredibly well. Furthermore, four oysters was certainly the right number for a great start to my meal.

Sea bream and caramelised cauliflower were my choice of mains served on coriander sour yoghurt. I am a fan of sea bream in particular and this was fresh and full of flavour. Caramelised cauliflower and coriander blended together on the tongue far easier than I imagined it would. This was a gloriously elegant dish I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.

Quaglino's Q-Lunch

Dessert was a sumptuous Valrhona chocolate fondant and tonka bean ice cream. It triumphed as a classic hot and cold dessert. The 12 minute wait (as stated on the menu)  was worth every second as I was able to fill the void with the bottomless Bordeaux (or Prosecco) which is an optional extra on the Q-lunch menu.

This Sunday Quaglino’s Q-Lunch menu is outstanding and reminiscent of a fearless British culinary adventure. The accompanying live band, the bottomless bubbles or wine and exquisite food are perfect elements best enjoyed with family and friends. Be sure to visit with your nearest and dearest.

Unlimited bubbles and bottomless Bordeaux cost £20 per person when accompanied by two or more courses. Quaglino’s is located at 16 Bury Street, London SW1Y 6AJ. For more information visit

Demi Perera
Demi Perera
Freelance travel and food journalist and serial traveller. Follow my travels:


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