Four Common Travel Problems and How to Tackle Them 

Travelling is great, but there can be the odd issue which if it crops up, you’ll want to be able to solve. Here are our top tips to solve these common travel problems…

While travelling abroad is straightforward for a great number of people, it is fair to say that it does not always pass without a hitch. Problems can – and sadly do – happen, so it is undoubtedly important to be prepared for whenever one may rear its head. Here, we take a look at four particularly common issues which can occur while travelling and provide a few hints and tips regarding how to stop them ruining your precious time away. 

Flight cancellations

Fort Lauderdale Travel Guide Flight Tips An issue which can either get your trip off to a bad start or bring it to a frustrating conclusion, cancelled flights are sadly part and parcel of travel for many people. However, it is important for travellers to understand what they can do when affected by such problems. As’s page on flight cancellation issues outlines, passengers have clear rights on complaints concerning ticket refunds or replacement flights. They may even be eligible for compensation depending on when an airline informed them of the problem. 

Lost luggage

Four Common Travel Problems and How to Tackle Them But what happens if you managed to catch your flights but your suitcase didn’t? Lost or delayed luggage is another issue which can prove to be hugely stressful but, again, travellers can rest assured that they have rights on the matter. Citizens Advice outlines how holidaymakers have a legal right to claim compensation if checked-in luggage is damaged, lost or delayed. The organisation advises that airlines may provide some support to ensure you have access to bare essentials, while they may be able to cover transport costs if you need to collect a case yourself. 

Lost passport

Four Common Travel Problems and How to Tackle Them You often need a range of different documentation for your travels, with your passport being absolutely vital. Sadly, however, situations can arise when the document could be lost, stolen or damaged. Never fear though, as, in such an event, you may be able to apply for an emergency travel document. This will allow you to travel to a destination through a maximum of five countries and will include details of your travel plans. 

Falling ill

Four Common Travel Problems and How to Tackle Them It can be hard to take when you’ve spent a lot of money on a luxury break but, sadly, holiday illnesses are not uncommon. If you are concerned about falling ill, travel insurance provider ERV suggests taking some basic medical items like painkillers and anti-bacterial wipes with you. The company also urges anyone who falls ill to seek medical help and speak to the resort to see if they have an on-site doctor or expert. If your break is completely ruined by such issues and the illness has a lasting impact, there may even be scope to make a legal claim regarding your experiences. 

Be prepared

Travelling abroad can undoubtedly be a huge amount of fun but problems like those outlined above can and do happen. With this in mind, being prepared for such issues can be very useful and may even mean you are still able to get the most from your holiday despite the difficulties you’ve been through!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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