Top Tips For Working From Home To Increase Productivity

Working from home can be a blessing and a curse. Here are our top tips for working from home to make the most of your time…

Working from home can be a blessing for those who need the flexibility, but sometimes it can prove challenging. You need to be in the right frame of mind and good at self-motivation in order to reap the benefits. Once you begin seeing the rewards, the motivation will usually follow; keep reminding yourself why it’s worth it and you’ll be sure to keep yourself on your toes. We have worked together with GBC Group to find their 5 top tips for working at home and keeping the motivation high.

Set Physical Boundaries

top tips for working from homeWhen you’re working from home you are going to be spending a lot of time in your home office; therefore, you want to make sure it is a space personal to you and somewhere you want to spend time. A great way to create your own personal space and create well needed physical boundaries is to invest in a garden office; it provides you with a separate space so that you can go to your office every day and be ready to work. GBC group have a range of garden offices which would make a great home space for getting your work done. By creating a boundary, you are not only making sure you are free from distractions but also that you can keep your work and home life separate. Make sure family know that when you are in the office you are at work and shouldn’t be bothered unless it is urgent; as it would be if you were in an office environment. It is important to keep it clean and tidy as mess is distracting and you wouldn’t expect that in an office.

Manage your Priorities

top tips for working from homeIn order to manage your workload and ensure that you complete all the tasks that you need to it is essential you know how to manage your priorities. This is not only necessary in home offices but also offices in general; the only difference is at home you only answer to you. It is a good idea to begin every day with a to do list, this way you know exactly what you need to complete every day. Make sure to keep it realistic otherwise you will struggle to meet your deadlines, and this can be demotivating. Working to specific deadlines will help you work like you would if you were in an office environment.

Dress for Work

It may sound like fun to work in your pyjamas, and maybe sometimes it is, but it can a huge effect on your mindset. By getting dressed every day as you would for work you are subconsciously preparing your mind for work. It puts you in the right frame of mind to start the day and you will inevitably be more productive. Maintaining a professional atmosphere and appearance will ensure that you remain in the business mindset whilst you are working.

Stay Connected

top tips for working from homeIt is no secret that working from home can get lonely, so it’s important that you stay connected both to colleagues and friends. Although you want to stay in work mode; sometimes a break for a quick phone call can improve productivity. If you can you may also benefit from trips into the office occasionally for a change of pace and to spend some time with colleagues. It is important to give yourself opportunities to connect.


top tips for working from homeCommitment to your work is essential at home. The best thing to do is to set your working hours as you would in the office; the only difference being that you have the flexibility to choose the ones that suit you.

Let us know your thoughts on our top tips for working from home to increase productivity below!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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