Top tips to take a digital detox holiday to benefit your wellbeing

Spending too much time scrolling through your phone and in need of a digital detox holiday? Here are our top tips to get you through…

We live in a time when we are constantly required to be switched on. After all, if we don’t post something to instagram, did it really happen? In a time when we spend most of our waking lives looking at enviable photos and posts of others, it’s no surprise there are more mental health issues than ever. We feel a constant need to compare, to show-off what we are doing and stare at screens all the time. Because of this, we can forget what it’s like to just switch-off. To enjoy what you are doing because of what it is, rather than what it will look like. To enjoy a concert or show through our own eyes, rather than an instagram story, dinner because it tastes great, not because it looks delicious in a photo. This is why it’s important to take time for a digital detox. Switching off has a number of benefits, from better engagement with loved ones, to boosting your mental wellbeing. Due to this, it’s no surprise that digital detox holidays have become a strong trend. But you don’t have to do a special digital detox retreat for an offline trip. There are a few simple steps you can take to enjoy a digital detox retreat on your own terms. Here is how to plan a digital detox holiday

Go where there’s no wifi

Fitzroy island Queensland Australia If you head somewhere where wi-fi and mobile signal is patchy, it’s much harder to connect to the digital world and you will soon fall out of the habit. Head to somewhere more remote and less technologically advanced such as Bali, where you just relax in the beautiful surroundings and enjoy the moment, without feeling the need to nosy on everyone else’s lives.

Dig out your old camera

Polaroid snap touch reviewThis can either be an old digital camera or even a disposable one (this is even more fun as you can’t plan your shots!) We have become so reliant on using our phones as cameras that it’s easy to sneakily check into Facebook or peek at your emails while taking a snap. By using a camera you don’t even need to reach for your phone, taking the temptation away.

Do it as a group

Top tips to take a digital detox holiday These things are always much easier as a group and a digital detox holiday is no different. If you or another of your party are talking about giving in and going on your phone or device, you can help support them and find something else fun to do to distract yourselves. It’s always a safe idea to have phones nearby in case of emergencies, but maybe just have one designated phone for the group to contact home if necessary, or set rules such as no phones during dinner or when you’re relaxing by the pool.

Switch off from work

work-life balance As well as social media, it is important to have a digital detox holiday from work. In a culture where we can log onto our work emails anywhere and at any time, it can be hard to switch off from an important project you are working on, or emails that just can’t wait until the next morning. Set an out of office just before you go away so anyone emailing you knows you won’t be contactable and when to expect a reply. This sets realistic expectations for your clients and means you don’t have to stress about replying right away. When you’re somewhere beautiful such as Marrakech or Colombo where the culture is so beautiful and unique you don’t want to waste your time replying to emails from the office!

Set yourself specific times

festival survival kit festival packing listIf you’re not quite ready to go T-total during your digital detox holiday, set specific times where you are allowed your phone and don’t go over that. Say you can go on it for half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening, set yourself a timer and when the time is up, put your phone down and don’t look at it again until the next time slot. This will avoid the unnecessary feed-scrolling so many of us are accustomed to and ensure you use your time wisely. You can then spend the rest of the day enjoying and taking in your surroundings.

What is your favourite of our top tips to take a digital detox holiday? Let us know!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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