Top tips for taking care of your watch – Luxury style guide

Got a luxury timepiece for Christmas? Here are our top tips for taking care of your watch…

When it comes to lavish Christmas presents, luxury watches are certainly up there on the scale. After all, anything beats another Lynx shower set! From the pristine box that your watch comes in, right through to its stainless steel design, we understand how precious and valuable your new timepiece may be to you. For this reason, we have compiled this handy guide that details the steps you should take to keep your watch safe and secure. Here are our top tips for taking care of your watch…

Thomas Earnshaw watch

Regularly clean your watch

First on our list of top tips for taking care of your watch is to regularly clean it. As mundane as the task of cleaning may seem, sometimes you have just got to do it, especially if you’re looking to maintain the quality of your timepiece. Thankfully, however, cleaning a watch is not a difficult job at all. How so, may you ask? Well, you simply have to take a soft cloth and wipe down the band to remove any dirt or dust. Yes, it’s that simple! 

Avoid contact with chemicals and direct sunlight 

When it comes to cleaning your watch, do not (and yes, we repeat do not) use any cleaning chemicals on it. This also includes any oils, colognes or perfumes. These can have the power to substantially damage your band and cause it to potentially tear. Speaking of things to avoid, another thing to mention is that extended exposure to sunlight can cause the colour of your watch to fade. As well as this, heat can shorten your timepiece’s battery life. So, before you begin that sunbathing session on the beach, make sure that your watch is safely stored away somewhere dark and cool. 

Service your timepiece 

When you own something as grand as a luxury watch, you should treat your possession like a car and get into the habit of servicing it now and then. Specialists themselves say that timepieces should be serviced every two to three years, but it all comes down to the type of watch you have. For example, a sports watch that may be exposed to extreme weather conditions may require more frequent checkups. 

Insure your timepiece 

Another important (and often overlooked) point in our top tips to take care of your watch is to get it insured. Like with any car, it’s important to consider protecting your luxury watch with insurance. Now, this may not be at the very front of your mind when you get your new timepiece, but think about it. Just like the latest iPhone, your luxury watch will probably have cost a lot of money, and its tiny size may make it susceptible to loss or theft. The good news about watch insurance is that it can cost as little as £3.50 a month, so it wouldn’t hurt to enquire at all! 

Know your watch’s water resistance 

As you may have already gathered, a luxury watch can also be a sensitive watch. Speaking about this subject, your timepiece may be particularly sensitive to water, and so it is important to know all about its water resistance level. If your watch is exposed to metres of depths underwater, and it has a particularly weak resistance level, then it may undergo substantial damage. Also, exposure to water can be particularly dangerous for a leather watch, as contact can weaken its strap material. 

Keep your watch safe in a watch storage box 

Last but certainly not least, we strongly advise that you keep your luxury timepiece in a watch collection box when it is not in use. Why? Because when you settle the watch on its side or its front, there is always going to be the possibility of it being scratched. However, when you invest in a watch case, you won’t have to worry about this at all. When it comes to finding the best watch storage boxes that are made from the strongest materials, look no further than those provided by The Case Farm. A leading packaging company based in the UK, they sell a huge range of watch cases that will satisfy any timepiece owner. 

What are your thoughts on our top tips for taking care of your watch? Let us know in the comments below!


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