Questions you need to ask when buying your next car…

Buying a car can be a minefield, which is why it’s important you ask all the right things. Here are the questions you need to ask when buying your next car…

There are nearly 40 million registered vehicles on the road in Great Britain, with the car remaining the chief mode of getting from A to B for so many of us. We use our cars for nearly two thirds of our annual trips, while over 75% of the distance covered by Britons each year is done on the roads. This all means that choosing a new car is no trivial pursuit, and you must have several things in mind when considering your next motor.

tips for buying a car

Can you afford it?

Budgeting correctly is vital. Cars are often the second most expensive purchases in a person’s life behind property. Whether you’re buying new or used, make sure that your payments are in line with the rest of your outgoings. And remember, it’s not just the car that you’ve got to pay for. Fuel, insurance, tax and other running costs all need to be tallied against what you’re looking to buy.

What are your priorities?

Will you be using your car to commute? Do you need additional space for pets and children? Or is style more important to you? If you want to look chic on the road, Peter Vardy’s range of Minis for sale will take you to your destination in style.

Will it stay the right car for you?

A nippy runner perfect for city living might be the one for you right now, but if you’re paying for your car over a longer period – say three to four years – your priorities could well change in that timeframe. As such, maybe think about a car that fulfils what you need now and can cover something further down the road as well. A smaller hatchback, but with five doors, might work perfectly if you start a family before it’s time to trade in your run-around for an SUV, for example.

Is there a better option?

We all want to drive away in a gleaming brand-new car, but you might be able to secure something a bit more luxurious and up-market by looking around the used-car listings. Similarly, don’t assume that buying a car is the right move. If your circumstances are likely to change in the near future, leasing will offer you greater flexibility to make a change if required.

Are you sure you’re sure?

You might have your heart set on a certain brand and model, but you have to get on the road before you know for certain. Test drives are a vital part of the car-buying process and can immediately throw up red flags about the motor you thought was the one for you. Similarly, trying others in the same class might confirm what you had long suspected about the one you covet. But you won’t know until you hit the roads!

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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