Style And Substance: Designing A Bathroom That Ticks All The Boxes

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms of the house and one you want to be a relaxing yet practical space. Here are our top tips to design a bathroom that ticks all the boxes…

For many of us, the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. If you’re planning a revamp, or you’ve recently moved and you’re designing a new bathroom, here are some tips to help you deliver on style and substance. When thinking about your new space, it’s essential to consider functionality and practicality, as well as aesthetics. With this guide, you can tick all the boxes. 

Choosing which materials to use

The Chronicle Aparthotel Supercity London

When it comes to revamping or remodelling a bathroom, there are several important decisions to make, including which materials to choose. The choices you make will depend on a range of factors, such as your budget and your lifestyle. If you have children, or you’re keen to focus on value for money, for example, it’s wise to select materials that are hard-wearing, durable and easy to clean like waterproof PVC shower panels and vinyl flooring. If you’re going for a luxe feel, and budget is not a constraint, you might wish to consider more opulent touches like marble counters, tiled floors and hardwood furniture. It’s always a good idea to get quotes for different materials and to consider how they fit in with your needs and preferences before making any final decisions. 

Creating a vision

Style And Substance: Designing A Bathroom That Ticks All The Boxes

If you took a moment to search online for bathroom renovation ideas or you flicked through a couple of interior magazines, you’d be spoiled for choice. There are endless possibilities when it comes to designing a new bathroom, even if you’re short on space and money. You might already know exactly what you want your new washroom to look like, but if you haven’t decided yet, or you need inspiration, it’s worth taking your time to have a look around, get ideas and build a mental vision. You can embrace a single trend or look, or mix and match elements to create something unique. Popular bathroom trends for 2020 include flashes of dark colours, brass fixtures and fittings, statement shower units, large tiles and serene, calm-inducing spaces. Focus on the colours you want to use, the vibe you want to channel and the functionality of the room. A modern, family-friendly bathroom may look very different to an en suite that is designed to be a sanctuary, for example. 

Adding a personal touch

bathroom decor ideas

It’s brilliant to take inspiration from other peoples’ ideas and interior trends of the moment, but it’s also beneficial to inject your style and personality when revamping your home. Once you’ve painted the walls, selected a new tub or tiled the floor, concentrate on those all-important finer details. From wall art and printed bath mats to quirky towel rails, plants and storage pots, you can add your own stamp and make your mark.

Your bathroom serves a very important purpose, and it needs to work on a practical level, as well as providing an inviting space to relax and unwind. If you’re planning a mini makeover or a renovation, think carefully about the materials you use and the look and feel you want to create and don’t forget to add a personal touch. 

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


  1. Adding a personal touch really does go a long way. Be sure to choose items that match your taste but will also create a relaxing in your bathroom. Never ever, go overboard and mix and match too different items that might clash with initially chosen items.

  2. I’d have to agree with Nancy, always make sure to add your own personal touch. A nice looking bathroom is good but a bathroom made exactly to your taste is better. Still, be reminded to use only quality brassware to avoid leaks and any future damage. All the best! x


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