The Online Migration of Bingo and Other Social Staples

The internet has changed many different aspects of society, helping to revolutionise the way people across the world live their lives…

Many activities that were once conducted in person have now migrated online and this has helped to spark a financial boom in many industries. With the internet allowing a level of accessibility to some areas that was never previously possible, it is fair to say that its creation has been an unqualified success.


Read on as we take a look at five sectors that have benefited massively form advancements in internet technology over the past few years.

Bingo enjoys 21st century resurgence

Bingo has enjoyed something of roller-coaster ride in British culture, but it is very much on an upward curve right now.

The game was historically dismissed as something purely for the ‘working classes’, with smoke-filled bingo halls in northern towns giving an outwardly scruffy perception.

However, the internet has introduced it to a whole new generation of people, meaning that playing online bingo on websites like 888ladies Is one of the most popular entertainment activities around.

With technology expected to bring further innovations to gaming, it is fair to assume that bingo will retain its trendy status for many years to come.

Streaming sites change live sports consumption

Anyone that was around prior to the 1990s will remember that watching live sports on television was a little bit of a novelty.

The BBC tended to have a monopoly on broadcasting major events, with ITV and Channel 4 chipping in wherever possible.

However, the arrival of subscription services like Sky TV shook things up and the landscape has moved on significantly since then.

Streaming of sports is now all the rage, with millions of people around the world utilising modern tech to consume live content online.

Boom time for sports betting

The days were people had to visit their local bookmakers to place a bet are a distant memory, with the internet completely transforming how the industry operates.

The latest figures from the UK Gambling Commission show that the GGY for remote (online) sports betting was more than £2.1 billion from October 2018 to September 2019.

Bookies have been able to leverage tech to their advantage by creating super-slick sportsbooks covering events taking place across the globe.

Live betting on football and many other popular sports is helping to drive the boom and the trend looks set to continue for the foreseeable future.

Watching movies is a whole new ball game

While going to the cinema is still a popular social activity, the rise of streaming services has had a big impact on how people watch movies.

The likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime have made huge inroads into the sector over the past few years and their popularity is continuing to rise.

The convenience of these type of services makes them hugely attractive to consumers, while the cost isn’t prohibitive when compared with a trip to the cinema.

With many major film studios now embracing streaming, it remains to be seen whether cinemas will be able to survive in such a competitive marketplace.

Modern banking hits all the right notes

Managing your personal finances used to be time-consuming, but the introduction of online banking has made it a much simpler process.

The internet lets you view transactions, pay bills, transfer money and more, allowing you to keep on top of your money matters.

Mobile apps have ramped things up another notch, giving people the opportunity to access their bank accounts wherever they are in the world.

Trekking down the high street to stand in lengthy bank queues has now largely become redundant – a factor that positively highlights the power of the internet.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


  1. I really enjoyed this article. It really highlights how things have changed and how there has been a shift to online bingo. I hope the culture of traditional bingo remains though because the experience is most definitely not the same online.


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