Easy Ways To Update Your Home Without Breaking The Bank

It is important that your home is somewhere you love to spend time in. Here are some easy ways to update your home…

Sometimes in life, we can just get bored with something and need some change in our lives; this is no different with your home. You spend nearly every day in your home, and in some cases, it can just not appeal to us anymore, and we can get bored with how it looks. With your home, it can be easily rectified; some will go for a big change and move house, but this can be a waste of time and money; instead, just refreshing your home and updating the look in your home is enough to make you fall in love with it again.

With refreshing your home, it can be relaxing as well as something new; turning it into a little project for yourself is a great way to help you tackle it but also take some time to yourself as it can be quite relaxing to update and create a new environment for yourself. If you are unsure of what you can do to refresh and update your home, then these few ideas may help you to get started on your home transformation.

upgrade your home

Source: Pixabay

Refresh the paint

One of the easiest ways to refresh your home and make it more vibrant is to re-paint your home. This can either be the same color just topped up or a completely new look; it is just a case of deciding what color and theme you want to go for in your home. If you want a more classic and chic look, then you can use basic but beautiful colors like greys and creams; these can give your home that classic look but make sure you choose which rooms you want vibrant and which you don’t a kitchen would look better with a classic look, hand painted kitchens look great and have a homey feel without having to look to vibrant, whereas a living room or bedroom can look better with a bit of vibrance to help it stand out and feel warmer.

Update furniture

A great way to update the look of your home is to update or change your furniture; this doesn’t have to be an expensive project as you can do things to refresh your furniture without breaking the bank. If you are looking into new furniture then it would be the big things you would want to replace if you have fallen out of love with a room in your house it is usually the big things you notice more as opposed to the little things so replacing your bed or sofa can have a big impact on the look and decor of the home, if you don’t need to replace anything then just refreshing your furniture can really help enhance your home. If you have a favorite coffee table or some cabinets, then you can give them a lick of paint, which is simple and a lot cheaper than replacing it; this will then give your room and new theme and look, helping to refresh the look of the furniture.

If you are bored of the look of your kitchen or bathroom, then replacing things in there can help, like cupboards or cupboard doors to give them a new look, maybe adding in some new storage to the bathroom can helo to give it a new look.

Update your appliances

Although you may think that appliances are there just to do what they are designed to do, they also add some color or decor to your home. You can have a beautiful looking kitchen, but if your appliance is old and doesn’t match, then it can look out of place and make the whole room look wrong and off theme. Therefore updating and purchasing new appliances for your rooms can really help to give it a fresh and updated look, a lot of the time if you choose to stick with a particular brand they will do matching sets of things like toasters and kettles and utensil pots, getting all these matching can help to keep a theme of a room and mean you can get the appliances you want all from one brand without having to shop around. 

Other appliances like lamps and tv’s can also change the state of a room and how it feels; if your tv is tucked away in the corner or is really old fashioned it can completely kill the theme in a room if you update it to something more modern and put it on the wall, it can give the room a more open feel and make it seem less old fashioned. If your lamps are old and dusty, then clean them up or replace the lampshades on them to give them a new look; the replaceable lamp shades allow you to update your lamps as you update your room and make sure they are keeping with the theme you choose.

Update your hardware

Hardware is things like door handles and metal fittings, even something as simple as a light switch. If you are looking to create a theme throughout the house or make it more modern, then updating your hardware can really help to increase this. If you have door handles that look old-fashioned, but you have a modern home, it can throw the whole look of the home off. Door handles are easy to change and do not allows cost a lot, so this is something you can update easily without having to break the bank. If you have old light switched, then you can have these updated to chrome or metal switches that in keeping with the modern theme around the home; you can also update your electrical sockets and make them more modern by installing some with USB ports; this will allow you to update the look and accessibility of your home.

If you are bored with how your house looks and want a chance to make your home a little easier to live in and fall back in love with, then hopefully, these tips ideas may help you to get started and make sure you are happy with your home, and it is a place you want to live in.


Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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