Why Good Lighting Is Great For Your Health

It’s important to have good lighting arrangements in your home, not only for aesthetical purposes, but for your health also. Here is just why…

Lights are often overlooked when it comes to personal wellbeing. Instead, people tend to concentrate on their diets or levels of exercise to stay fit and healthy. While it is perfectly valid to pay attention to those areas, something as simple as fire rated downlights could also contribute greatly to your overall welfare in a different, but just as important, way.

But why is good lighting great for your health? Well, let’s explore a few of the reasons below.

Lighting for your health

Visual Acuity

To always be safe, you need to be aware of your surroundings with a perfect acuity, which is a big part of where lighting comes in.

It might seem like an obvious point to make but being able to see properly is highly important and often underestimated. This is especially true in areas such as the kitchen, where you’ll be using a series of dangerous instruments, like sharp knives and the cooker. If the lighting is top notch here, you can ensure that you are interacting with your environment in the safest ways possible.

Lighting up outdoor areas is a point that’s more seldom considered. If you install some outdoor lights in the garden, it’s a great way to signify to any would-be criminals that you are in, significantly increasing your chances of warding off foul play. Wrapping some fairy lights around any trees and shrubbery, installing wall lights, or even dotting a few cute lanterns around all the greenery could give your home an air of warmth, and also keep you safe!

Versatile Control

To get the most out of your lighting, you need to be able to dim or enhance the beams at your own leisure.

This kind of versatile control will ensure that your home is sufficiently well-lit during the day, but also dimmed so that you get good sleep. It will also help you counter things like eye strain. For some ideas and inspiration, check out downlights.co.uk. Downlights offer a series of elegant, recessed downlights, giving your home a modern appeal while also allowing you full, flexible control over the intensity of the beams. For longer lasting, energy efficient lights, their LED downlight range can work wonders too.

In the end, it’s a great idea to exercise some control over your lighting arrangements. If the lights are too harsh for too long, it can go on to affect things like your blood pressure, glucose levels, and even how your body releases hormones. Nobody thinks about these things, but it’s important that you’re in an environment that doesn’t have lights, televisions, and other electrics at full tilt around the clock.

Natural Light

During the day, electrical lights are not quite as vibrant or effective, so instead of blaming the natural light for ruining the atmosphere, use it instead!

There has been extensive proof that utilising natural light in the workplace has improved worker wellbeing, so why not apply some of that to your own home? After all, exposure to the sunlight helps your body produce Vitamin D, and even helps varying things like sleep patterns and focus both. Needless to say, this kind of lighting is an all rounder when it comes to your wellbeing, and it’s the easiest form to come by.

There’s also a lot to be said for just letting the outside in, also. If you’re constantly drawing curtains and blocking out the outside world, you can feel claustrophobic, cut-off from society at large. You’re probably letting the day in already as it’s so essential to day-to-day life but understanding its benefits can help you appreciate it all in a whole new light… pun intended.

Mood Booster

Your lighting arrangements can lift your mood substantially, so it’s vital that you don’t underestimate their worth as it could make all the difference in your day-to-day life.

Winter brings Christmas and good cheer, but that typically only lasts one day of the season. For the rest, darker days become more prominent, sparking an influx of seasonal depression that few people feel ready to contend with. Therefore, to pit your house in direct contrast with the bleak world outside, some quality lighting arrangements will give you that feeling of warmth and colour that you will undoubtedly crave.

But why settle for vanilla lamps and uninspired main lights? Install a lighting display in each room that really elevates your mood and flourishes your home in creative ways. The bigger an impact you can make, the better, because everything will be that little bit more characterful. Light is often used in line with therapeutic purposes also, so it’s worth considering what arrangements you can make to favour things in that area also.

Whether you’re using a myriad of colours or striving for festive themes, get inventive and even artistic, and you’ll cheer yourself up in no time.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyerhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on natasha@seeninthecity.co.uk


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