Surprising Benefits of Fixing Crooked Teeth

While many want their teeth fixed for cosmetic purposes, there are also a range of other benefits. Here are some suprising benefits of fixing crooked teeth…

The obvious reason for getting your teeth straightened, is that you’ll have straighter teeth. If you’ve been living with crooked teeth for a long time, or you had braces as a teenager but failed to stick with the aftercare, that can be reason enough. Straighter teeth look better, they are easier to clean, and most of us would smile more freely if we loved our teeth. But that certainly isn’t the only reason to get your teeth fixed. In fact, there are many more benefits, some of which may surprise you.

crooked smile help

You’ll Look Younger

When you have your teeth straightened with clear aligners, your teeth are moved to widen your smile and lift your mouth upwards. This prevents receding, which is when our gums move up, exposing more of our teeth, and making us look older. It’s actually where the term “a little long in the tooth” comes from.

Using aligners from experts like Straight My Teeth can effectively move your teeth enough to reduce this receding, keeping your smile looking younger for longer. Straight My Teeth aligners will also make your teeth far easier to clean, reducing the yellowness that often gets worse with age.

You Might Find It Easier to Lose Weight

When you wear clear braces, you are meant to wear them for most of the day. But, each time you eat, you have to take them out and clean your teeth. This effort might be enough to put you off that extra snack, or evening treat.

Reduced Risks of Infection

Wonky teeth are much harder to clean. All the overlaps and gaps give bacteria a place to grow, which can quickly lead to infection and gum disease, which, if left untreated can have a serious effect on your health.

You’ll Be More Attractive

People that smile more and that smile with pride and confidence are naturally more attractive. If you have straight, white teeth you are more likely to flash a wide smile at people that you meet.

Straight Teeth Could Help Your Career

Our careers shouldn’t have anything to do with our appearance. But, if a straight smile means that you appear more confident, you might find that you make more sales, sign more clients and make a great first impression. This could also help you to build relationships within the office and give you the confidence that you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

More Choice from the Menu

When our teeth are crooked and broken, certain foods are hard to eat, especially when we’re in public and self-conscious about how we look. Having straighter, healthier teeth means that you can bite into the thickest steak, or crunchiest snacks without having to worry about pain or discomfort, or the embarrassment of struggling to chew in public.

So, while having healthier teeth and a straighter smile are important benefits, they certainly aren’t the only advantages of getting your crooked teeth fixed. The best news is, with modern clear aligners, the process is easier, cheaper, and less uncomfortable than ever before.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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