How to Regain Fitness after an Injury or Serious Illness

If you have been unable to work out it can be tough. Here is how to regain fitness after an injury or serious illness

If you’ve had to face a long spell where you’re not physically active, whether it’s been caused by a severe injury or a long-term illness, then getting back to your desired fitness levels can be a bit of a challenge. You’ll need a lot of resolve and determination, but you’ll also need to be sensible about when you push yourself and when you don’t. Here are some tips for how to regain fitness after an injury…

regain fitness after an injury

The Impact of Injury

In many cases, a physical injury might provide a physiological barrier to your getting around as you once did. If you’ve broken a leg, then you won’t be able to go for a jog in the afternoon. Similarly, if you’re suffering from an illness, then you might find it a struggle to get enough energy to exercise.

But as well as the physical impact of the injury or illness, we should also consider the psychological ones. If your physical wellbeing was a source of major pride for you, then you might find yourself feeling down in the dumps while you can’t get out there and exercise. And the longer and more severe the injury, the worse this feeling will be.

What’s important is to take your recovery in stages, and try to avoid setbacks. Let’s look at how…

Talk to your Doctor

You should always consult your doctor with regards to how to regain fitness after an injury. They should be able to advise you as to whether your timeline is realistic. But it is always essential that you consider how your body is feeling because medical negligence could mean that you push your body too far.

Take it Easy

If you try to push yourself too hard, too fast, then you’ll put yourself at risk of exacerbating the injury. Plus, if you’ve been out of action for a few weeks, or even months, then your cardiovascular system might not have the capacity it did before. When looking to regain fitness after an injury you don’t want to push it too much and end up worse than before.

Eat Right

Nutrition and hydration are essential in everyday life, but especially during a recovery period. With that said, you may need a psychological boost from time to time – there’s no need to go fully ascetic. The occasional treat meal, perhaps at the end of the week, can be justified provided that you’ve been good for the rest of the time.

Sleep Right

Similarly, sleep is more important than ever during periods of recovery. Try to keep your sleeping hours consistent, and to avoid blue light in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Be Patient

If you’re recovering from a transmissible illness, then it’s essential that you keep your distance from other people and be patient. If you expect rapid results, then you might find yourself disappointed. Instead, try to take every week as it comes, and to be happy with small gains. Consistency is what’ll get you results – you’re in a marathon, not a sprint!

These are some top tips on how to regain fitness after an injury or serious illness. Make sure you take it slowly and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor any questions you might have.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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