How Streaming Platforms Help People Break into the Music Industry 

If you are looking to become a singer or artist, streaming platforms can be invaluable for this. Here are how streaming platforms can help people break into the music industry…

For most people, music is a massive part of our everyday lives. Singing along to upbeat songs in the shower first thing in the morning, to relaxing in bed with your favourite book while some mellow music plays in the background. Music is the soundtrack to our lives and is present for both small and significant moments in our lives, just like in the movies.

With the development of technology, and as an extension, the internet, the ability to access music has never been easier. None, more so, than with the accessibility of streaming services.

How Streaming Platforms Help People Break into the Music Industry 

Photo by Akshar Dave from Pexels

While streaming services provide users with the ability to listen to seemingly limitless amounts of music, they also allow a plethora of opportunity for music artists themselves.

  • Reaching Broader Audiences: With hundreds of playlists available on streaming platforms, you can guarantee that you will be reaching a broad audience of listeners. Particularly if the music you are creating covers a variety of genres, you will have the opportunity to be included in multiple places simultaneously, further extending your audience reach. One other way of reaching numerous audiences is by collaborating with another artist on a single or album. You will, essentially, be doubling – or in some cases, more – the number of people who would listen to your single.
  • Playlists for Promoting Yourself as an Artist: Using streaming platforms as a way of plugging your music is one way that it is useful for artists, not to mention, you earn a steady stream of money with each play. While that is the case, Spotify playlist promotion is also useful when wanting to promote yourself as an artist. As there are a variety of different playlists, and the ways that they are curated differ, you have multiple opportunities to get your single out there. From the playlists that are created, and songs chosen by the Spotify editors, or those selected by the algorithm with the app, which is based on your current tastes, the possibilities are endless!
  • Fan Engagement: You might have seen this yourself, but for those that are unaware, some of your favourite artists, both solo and groups, create playlists on their Spotify profiles. Engaging with the fans in this way, shows them what you are up to, the songs that you are currently enjoying, and of which, might be inspiring where you take your sound next. While social media as a whole provides artists with the opportunity to engage with their fans, this is undoubtedly a unique way of doing so. As more people engage with your content, the more your songs will be chosen by the AI to go on their personal playlists. In turn, the more people that find, listen, and engage with your content, the higher your chances of being spotted by the editors themselves, and by other more significant artists too!

These are just a few reasons streaming platforms can help people break into the music industry. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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