Five Top Tips For Unwinding After Work

After a busy day there is nothing more you want than to unwind. Here are some top tips for unwinding after work…

Whether you are at work, university or in school, coming home after a long, exhausting day is always going to take a toll on your mind, body and soul, both physically and mentally. So here are our five simple tips to help you switch to a more relaxed mindset….

Walk off the stress

Walking is a great way of clearing your head and mind from everything that is going on at work and in your life in general. Plug your headphones in your ears, and get out and explore your local area!Go a different direction to your usual route and immerse yourself into the beautiful surroundings around you.

unwind after work

Read a book, blog or magazine

Immerse yourself into something light-hearted and easygoing to unwind and relax your mind.  With a book, delve into the description and surroundings written and become the protagonist and part of the story for an hour or so. With a blog or magazine, read and gain inspiration for your topic of choice. Simply reading a few chapters of a book, or a few blog posts you just haven’t been able to catch up on is a great way to unwind and relax after a lengthy and draining day at work.

unwind after work

Get creative

De-stress by using your imagination and letting your creativity take over by creating a mood board. Cut out some outfit, make-up or decor from old magazines. Use colour and pattern swatches adding texture and volume. It’s a great way to let your individuality to takeover, whilst easing your mind from the daily stresses surrounding you.

unwind after work

Have a long bath

Baths are an absolute must after a tiring day out and about. Grab your favourite bath bomb or soap, light some candles and pour yourself a big old glass of wine and relax. Add some tea-tree oil to give yourself a bit of a zing and re-energise your aching body. Make your bathroom a relaxing haven to be in. Why not redecorate the room in your calming colours using Dulux Paint for a high quality finish?

Watch a film / new series

Grab a bag of popcorn and emerge yourself into a whole other world. From fantasy to thriller to comedy! Chose something you enjoy that will lift your mood and help you upbeat and ready to take on tomorrow.

unwind after work

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you go to work, university or school the next morning feeling revitalised and ready to take on the day.

Lottie Woodrow
Lottie Woodrow
Hi, I’m Lottie and I’m a Media and English Literature student at the University of Brighton and a writer for Seen in the City. I’m a born and bred country girl, fulfilling my dream of living in the city. I love fashion and exploring the world and different cultures around me (whilst trying to stick to my uni budget as hard as it may be!)


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