How to put your health first as Covid-19 restrictions lift

As restrictions begin to lift it’s important to still be conscious of staying healthy. Here is how to put your health first as Covid-19 restrictions lift…

It’s been a long year, but restrictions are starting to lift and we’re now facing what many people are calling, the “new normal”. Although the lifting of lockdown restrictions mean that we have much more to look forward to, including haircuts, beauty treatments, seeing family and friends and visiting our favourite stores, it’s completely natural to feel a little overwhelmed and even stressed at the idea of the world opening up again.

How to put your health first as Covid-19 restrictions lift

Adjusting to another phase of this seemingly never-ending period of uncertainty and worry can evoke all kinds of emotions. With most of us ultimately feeling as though we’re not in control. This is why putting your health first and continuing to prioritise your wellbeing is essential once Covid-10 restrictions lift. Read on to find out how you can continue to look after yourself.

Sort your body to benefit your mind

Regular exercise has obvious health benefits but it can also boost your mood and help you manage your stress and anxiety. If you’ve developed a fitness routine whilst in lockdown, stick to it and continue to reap the benefits. If you’re not currently active, get up and move around during your work breaks, take a walk at lunchtime or try a fitness video online.

Stock up on sanitizer

Keeping your hands clean and germ-free is one of the best ways we can keep infection at bay, protecting ourselves and those around us. Applying hand sanitizer when in public places or after visiting friends and family will help and give you the confidence to enjoy the lift in restrictions. You can find natural hand sanitizer spray via the link. Opting for a sanitizer that is infused with essential oils, ensures you and your family can keep bacteria at bay, all whilst soothing your hands and keeping them in good condition.

Pace yourself

Your friends might have long summer evenings enjoying a drink or two in a pub garden or experiencing alfresco dining at your favourite restaurant, but don’t allow yourself to be pressured into things you’re not ready for. Getting back to normal isn’t just about “when the rules allow”, it’s about what’s right for you. Discuss your concerns with your loved ones and find a compromise that allows you to put yourself first.

Have a chat with your boss

If you’ve been working from home throughout the pandemic and you’ve enjoyed and adjusted to your new working setup, then the idea of going back to a traditional working environment is likely to evoke a sense of dread and anxiety. If so, reach out to your boss and discuss the possibility of working from home on a permanent basis. Many employers are giving their staff the choice of WFH permanently or returning to a reduced office space with restrictions and safety in mind. Voicing your concerns and opinions to your employer will certainly help you feel in more control of your situation.

Final thoughts…

Adjusting to the new normal is an incredibly personal experience, follow the steps above to put yourself and your wellbeing first.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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