Top Easy Tips To Make Your Home More Modern

If you are looking to make your home more modern, there are many easy ways you can do this. Here are some top tips…

The decoration and modernisation of your home may seem quite daunting, especially if it hasn’t been done for a decade or more. Instead of fretting about how much work there is ahead of you, it can be more useful to start planning the things that need changing, and putting together a list of some of the modern designs you would like to see within your home. Alongside this, you can also set a budget to see what is affordable for you, or even look into learning some décor skills yourself to further cut down on costs.

make your home more modern


Many people choose to have art in their homes but also end up leaving the same pieces on display, year in year out. This can lead to walls and surfaces looking tired, especially if the pieces of art have discoloured over the years. You may also wish to have more personal items on your walls, replacing standard images with those that relate to your family, pets, friends, or housemates. To accomplish this, you could choose to either print photographs yourself, and collage or frame them, or instead go to a trusted company like Hello Canvas, who could print your images directly onto a canvas frame, or other material, to be featured in your home.


Many older homes might have carpet or even linoleum on their floors. These can, after many years, seem dated and lose their texture and colour. A lot of modern homes now feature tiled flooring, not just in the kitchen or bathroom, as these can allow a room to feel that bit bigger and brighter, while remaining easy to clean. There is also no risk of stains occurring, however, you would need to be careful in case of breaking a tile. Carpet and wood flooring are also still great options. You could have a professional in to fit them for you or, if you’re daring enough, even give the flooring a shot yourself using instructional videos. Overall, the type of flooring you choose may ultimately be decided based upon your budget.


A few years ago, all the walls of all the homes seemed to be decked out in various shades of magnolia. Now, that is not usually the case. You might want to choose more modern paint colours for the walls of your home. In 2021, colours seem to be more about the type of look you want a room to give off, such as making a lounge warm and inviting. Grey still appears to be at the top of most people’s charts, but other colours, such as greens, yellows, and pinks, are ever-growing in popularity.

Making your home more modern doesn’t mean you have to strictly follow what is in fashion. At times, there may be things that others do not necessarily love, that you simply adore. When it comes down to it, you are the one living in the property so, ultimately, make sure you choose design changes that will truly make you feel happy and comfortable.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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