5 Animals That Make For Great Pets

The UK is home to millions of pets across a wide variety of species. Each one has its perks, whether it be that they’re independent, easy to care for, communicative, or simply a bundle of love. Obviously, what their owners value most depends on their own needs and expectations, with different people interested in different things. Some of these qualities are relatively universal, though, so their appeal holds a lot more significance.

There’s no one feature that’s better than the rest, nor is there one animal that makes the best pet. However, the five animals below definitely make for excellent companions because of the qualities that they bring to the table.


Help Your Dog Reach an Ideal Healthy Weight

You’ll be hard-pressed to find an article that doesn’t include dogs when discussing what animals make great pets. After all, they’re one of the most beloved animals in the UK, with a reported 12 million kept as pets here.

It’s easy to understand why, given that dogs are highly affectionate creatures who form powerful bonds with their owners. While they do require more attention than some pets, if you can fit walks and playtime into your daily schedule, this shouldn’t be a problem. Plus, the amount of kisses, cuddles and general love you’ll receive in return will more than make up for it.

Obviously, dogs come in a variety of breeds, some of which may naturally be more affectionate than others. It’s true that a lot of the way they behave comes down to how you treat them. So, if you always fulfil their needs and shower them with love, they’re less likely to be aggressive, no matter their breed. Still, if you want to ensure you get the right breed for you, this article should be helpful.


Not everyone who wants a pet is interested in devoting several hours every day to looking after them. That’s why millions of people in the UK own cats.

These creatures are some of the most independent domesticated animals you’ll ever encounter. They prefer to do their own thing most of the time, whether that be exploring the neighbourhood or lounging in the sun. That means the only thing you need to worry about is providing food and cleaning their litter tray when it’s necessary.

Just because these pets come and go as they please, though, that doesn’t mean the two of you will live separate lives. Cats are more affectionate than most people give them credit for, and if you strike up a bond, they’ll enjoy your company. That means you still get the benefit of a loving pet, only without some of the responsibility of looking after them. That’s ideal for anyone who leads a busy life.


All animals have their own way of communicating with their owners. However, not all of them are as verbal as plenty of birds are.

Depending on the species you have as a pet, it’s possible to have a conversation with your bird. It might be quite a simple one, but there aren’t many animals that can mimic a real voice the way these creatures can. That alone makes them quite the compelling pet.

Of course, birds have plenty of other perks, too, including their intelligence and loyalty. Like cats, they don’t require a ton of looking after, although they do appreciate plenty of attention. They also get through food a lot slower than some other pets, making them relatively cost-effective to feed.

If you need to get your hands on some bird food, Little Peckers sells products for many different species. Whether you’ve got a parrot, budgie, canary, cockatiel, parakeet, or something else, there’s food here to keep them satisfied. With cages, toys, and health supplies also available here, as well as products for wild birds and poultry, this is the perfect one-stop shop for your needs.

Guinea Pigs

New pet owners can sometimes find the responsibility of certain animals to be quite overwhelming. As much as they’d love to have something like a dog as their companion, it feels like too big of a jump.

In those instances, guinea pigs make a great alternative.

Much like dogs, they’re social and affectionate creatures, although they may need time to grow accustomed to people first. They also get along well with kids, unlike some smaller animals you can get as pets. This makes them ideal for bringing them into a family environment or even having a child be their primary caregiver.

Similar to cats and birds, guinea pigs also don’t need a lot of looking after. They have certain needs that you must meet, and they appreciate getting plenty of attention. They don’t need to go out for walks, though, which leaves you more time in the day for other responsibilities. If you’re often rushed off your feet, that can be a huge benefit.



Obviously, if you’re not someone with a lot of time and money, a horse probably isn’t the right pet for you. They’re one of the most expensive animals to take care of and require a fair amount of care and attention. Plus, you can’t keep them around the house the way you can a cat or dog, so you also have to throw travel time into the equation.

However, the bond you can form with these creatures is worth all the effort. Their affection and intelligence aren’t to be overlooked, especially when they also have a pretty reasonable lifespan. Horses live for several decades, which is far longer than most other common pets. Although that means your expenses need to stretch across a lot more years, it also means you get to spend more time with them.

So, while horses might be a more considerable commitment than the other animals listed here, they’re still a worthwhile pet. As long as you know how to look after them and have the time and money to fulfil these responsibilities, you should share many happy years together.

What pet suits you best depends on your preferences. From what you look for in a companion to what animals you enjoy being around, there’s a lot to think about. If you’ve no idea where to start, though, the five listed here are definitely worth considering.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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