How To Purchase Everything Your Guest Room Needs

When you are in the very fortunate position to have a room in your home specifically for friends and family to stay in when they come to see you, you’re going places without even trying! The guest room – as with any room in the house – should reflect what you need it to be and a guest room should be a soft, comfortable place for your friends and family members to sleep in and relax. 

The best way to understand how comfortable your guest room really is is to spend a night in it! Choosing a folding bed to help when you have guests stay may be the most comfortable thing that you ever sleep on, but you won’t know unless you try, right? Make sure that your guest room is up to scratch and if it isn’t, take on the tips below and see whether you can make a difference to the space.

spare bedroom

  1. Create storage space. Even if your guest only ever stays the night, they need room for their luggage and their clothes, and even the smallest amount of luggage needs some room. Create space and offer a closet or dresser space just for them. Add padded hangers and even dry cleaner bags so that they can keep their clothes fresh.
  2. Think about the bed. We talked about the folding bed you could buy for guests to sleep on, but if you have the budget, consider splashing out on a huge bed to fill the room. When people sleep over, they want to know that they are going to be comfortable and you want to know that they have a good time in your home, too! The right mattress, the right throw pillows and plenty of blankets will make for a really good experience in your guest room.
  3. Light it up. Both natural light and lamps are important in your guest room. Maybe your guest wants to retire early and read? You need to make sure that there are bedside lamps available for them to use, and open the curtains up properly, too, with blinds beneath them to black out the light when they go to sleep. Add a bedside table, too, as it’ll be super helpful when they want to put their glasses and book down after reading!
  4. Add a wastebasket. If your guest room is fortunate enough to have an en suite, make sure that both rooms are equipped with a wastebasket. You need to provide a wastebasket that they can use for rubbish while they are staying with you. They could take their trash downstairs of course, but convenience is so important for guests being in your home. Make life easy for them while they’re staying with you and you can bet that they’ll come back again to stay.
  5. Outlets and converters. If your friends are coming to stay from abroad, then the best thing that you can offer them is a power outlet that suits to convert their chargers and things. Convenient power outlets will work for phones and tablets, and you need to make them easy to find without having to heft any furniture out of the way. Extension cords will be a handy help for your guests and it’s even better to have outlets that are easily reachable on the wall.

Image source: Pexels

  1. Toiletries. One of the reasons that people stay in hotels is the amenities like toiletries and towels. Sure, your guests may bring their own, but if someone stays over at the last minute, it can be such a nice touch to ensure that they have toothbrushes, soaps and even sanitary spares in the en suite waiting to be used. If you don’t have an en suite then a basket of goodies with a few folded towels will go a long way in the room! It’s a lovely gesture, too, to set out towels that are specifically your guests. You can ensure that they are of different colors, too, so that you can separate them properly.
  2. A full mini fridge. One of the exciting things that you can add to your guest room is a full mini fridge with glasses to pour drinks into, too. You can include chilled glass bottles of filtered water, juice and snacks. The water means that you don’t have to waste plastic bottles and you can fill them with filtered water from your own fridge, too.
  3. TV remotes and spare batteries. If you have a television in the guest room, including a small box of fresh batteries and a remote will go a long way! You can even add a DVD player if you have one spare, and if possible, use a smart stick or Google box to ensure that you offer smart TV services, too. This is something that can go a long way to making you look like an excellent friend!
  4. Nightlights. You can add lamps all you like but you should consider having one particular lamp with a low wattage bulb in case your guest needs a light in the night hours for the bathroom or simply to feel comfortable. Even adults get funny about sleeping in the dark sometimes, so you can make a difference when you add little details like this one!
  5. A mirror. Believe it or not, plenty of guest rooms don’t come equipped with a full length mirror – and they should. Your guests may want to see their entire body when they try on an outfit and a full length mirror is necessary for that. Get one attached to the wall or at the back of the bedroom door, and you will have some happy guests!

Having a guest room is a very big privilege as you can tell your friends that you have a space for them when they need it the most. Eventually, you may choose to open your house and rent out the space for cash – and you will have a reason to keep the room a beautiful space in the house!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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