Four Top Tips To Help Improve Your Confidence

If you find your confidence is taking a hit in everyday life, it could be time to figure out how you can improve it. Here are some top tips…

Getting on with everyday life can be a challenge if you feel like you’re lacking confidence. It can stop you from achieving the things you want to achieve. Confidence is something you need to have if you’re going to do anything by yourself. You need to be able to believe in yourself and feel comfortable when you’re doing the things that you want to. It’s easier said than done though, and building your confidence can take time if you’re struggling with it. It’s all about how you feel on the inside when it comes to being confident and learning to work on that.

boost confidence

Treating yourself

The first step to improving your confidence is how you treat yourself. It’s important that whenever you’re struggling or making mistakes, you’re not giving yourself a hard time. Being kind to yourself is very important and a natural part of living. It’s okay to buy things for yourself every now and then, and it’s completely normal to reward yourself for achieving things. Not only that but actually recognising your achievements. Some things are a bigger deal for some people than others, and achievement can be something as simple as managing to clean your home that day.

Surround yourself with kind people

Being kind to yourself is one thing, but the people you have around you can also have an effect on your confidence. A lot of the time, people find it hard to recognize that the people around them are a bad influence on them, and it can be difficult to get away from those people. If you feel like the people you spend time with could be having a negative effect on you, you should consider talking to them about it. If not that, then instead of finding others who lift you up instead. Everyone needs support, and for most people that comes from friends and family.

Work on your insecurities

One of the things that make it hard to feel confident is the insecurities that sit in the back of your mind. A lot of the time, these are things that can be solved through either hard work or learning to be less critical of yourself. This could be something like working out or investing in a healthier white smile. Some insecurities come from things that cannot be helped, in which case the solution is taking up a healthier outlook towards them. If it’s not something you can help, then it isn’t something you should be ashamed of.

Understand it’s okay to be different

If your wants and needs aren’t the same or in line with those that you spend time with, it might feel like the things you enjoy are embarrassing. Many people bottle up the things that they like, and it can make it difficult to enjoy yourself. It’s not healthy to keep these things to yourself, and with the right company, it should feel fine to express yourself. It’s completely fine to be different and go against the grain, and you may find that others even take an interest too.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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