7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels in the Summer Heat

As the weather gets warmer, we can find ourselves getting tired more easily. Here are seven easy ways to boost your energy levels in the summer heat…

As the weather gets warmer it can be tempting to slow down and relax. If you’d rather stay active during the summer months instead there are plenty of natural ways to get an energy boost. It’s also important to keep your energy levels up if you go away so you can get the most out of your holiday. A quick cool down, rehydration, and the right snacks can all work as a  pick-me-up. You could also make a couple of changes to your lifestyle to stay energised in the long-term. Here are a few easy ways to boost your energy levels in the summer heat…

easy ways to boost your energy levels in the summer heat

Be careful in the sun

Too much time in the sun can have a negative impact on your health. It’s not only bad for your skin but it can also cause fatigue and even sunstroke if you’re not careful. If you’re travelling somewhere sunny, always look for shady spots to take a break every so often. Don’t forget to keep topping up the sunscreen even if you don’t easily burn. If you’re worried about sweating you could try one of these SPF powders. They’re ideal if you want to help keep your makeup intact in hot weather. 

Cool down your pulse points

If you need to cool down quickly, rather than aggressively fanning yourself, relax and focus on your pulse points. Run your wrists under a cold tap or put a wet or ice on your neck. This will cool down your bloodstream and it will spread to the rest of your body more quickly. You could try this technique before bed to help you sleep. This way you’ll get a better night’s sleep and feel more energised in the morning. It is a simple idea in our easy ways to boost your energy levels in the summer heat

A dash of peppermint oil

One of the many natural benefits of peppermint oil is that it has a cooling and calming effect. If you have been doing sport out in the heat you could rub it on your sore muscles for instant relief. Alternatively you could add peppermint oil to a bath. It’s also a natural insect repellent and soothes itching skin. If you’d like to keep the bugs away you could apply a little to your skin directly or use a diffuser. This will help you sleep during the summer months.

Eat the right snacks

You need to eat the right snacks to get an energy boost when it’s hot. Juicy fruits and vegetables are good, for example, because they contain a lot of water. It’s important to eat often as this will also help you rehydrate. You need a combination of water, salt, and sugars to replace what your body has lost by sweating. 

Replenish your electrolytes

You could try some of the best natural energy drinks to replenish your electrolytes. These are designed to naturally hydrate the body while giving you a quick boost of energy. They’re ideal if you’re doing outdoor exercise in the heat, or even if you’re spending a day on the beach. Many people also take them to the gym to help them recover after a workout. You can find plenty of delicious flavours with hardly any artificial ingredients.

Get plenty of exercise

It is important to try and get plenty of exercise even though it’s hot. This will help to increase your energy levels. The more active you are, the healthier you’ll feel in general. It will also help to improve your mood and boost your overall mental wellbeing. Losing a few pounds can also help you to feel more comfortable in the hot weather. If exercise and a healthy diet isn’t working to tackle those problem areas you could always try a vaser lipo treatment. This is a technique that can get rid of stubborn fat deposits in particular places. It can be performed in just one session and the recovery time is minimal.

Try relaxation techniques

Last but not least on our list of easy ways to boost your energy levels in the summer heat is relaxation techniques. As well as keeping fit and active you also need to wind down properly afterwards. This will help give you more energy for the next day and you’ll get a better night’s sleep. If you’re struggling to relax in the hotter weather you can try certain tools such as an acupressure mat at home. This will help you achieve a sense of deep relaxation at bedtime. Simply lie down on the mat and the acupressure spikes will stimulate pressure points in your body enhancing its natural healing system and releasing stress and tension. There are other relaxation techniques you can try such as yoga and meditation that will give you an energy boost.

Which of our easy ways to boost your energy levels in the summer heat will you be trying? Let us know in the comments below.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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