The Most Common Methods for Taking CBD


The CBD industry global has grown substantially over the past few years, and its value will likely increase in the coming years. This growth has made supplements containing the cannabinoid more accessible than ever before. But what are the most common ways that people take CBD?



A common way to take CBD is to take it by mouth. You can simply swallow a few drops of CBD oil or add it to food and drinks to mask any taste. While this is an easy way to consume CBD oil, there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into foods to make it more enjoyable. CBD-infused coffees, gummies and deserts are all available to purchase. The oil can also be bought contained in soft pill form, not unlike cod-liver oil pills.

Overall, consuming CBD orally is a discreet and effective way to take the cannabinoid. However, because the product is metabolised in the gut, it can often take a longer time to feel the effects, and there is a lower efficiency of absorption than with other methods. On the other hand, the CBD will typically be in your system, which might be a worthwhile tradeoff.

Topical CBD

You can also use CBD topically. In this form, the cannabinoid will not reach your bloodstream. Instead, it can interact with receptors in your skin. Some suggest that this can have a range of benefits for your skin composition. These ointments will often contain active molecules other than CBD, contributing to healthier looking and smoother skin. While the effects of CBD on skin health are not clear as yet, many advocates swear by its topical use.


Another way of taking CBD is by inhaling it. You can do this by using CBD vapes. Once inhaled, the vapour passes through to the lungs, where it can diffuse into the bloodstream. Vaping CBD means that the molecule can reach the bloodstream much faster than it does with oral consumption. While there are possible problems associated with vaping, some people prefer this way of taking CBD, as the action of vaping can be a soothing one.

Vaping can give CBD users more control over their intake of the molecule. Since there is swift absorption to the bloodstream, users will often find a sweet spot much more easily than with oral CBD and maintain this throughout the day. The higher bioavailability of CBD when inhaling also makes this a much more efficient way to consume the cannabinoid. Handpicked CBD has a wide array of products if you wish to learn more about CBD vapes.

And Many More

This list is far from exhaustive. There are many different forms of CBD that you can purchase nowadays, and the list is constantly increasing. Those listed above are some of the more popular ways of consuming the cannabinoid, but other things like sublingual CBD or  CBD patches are also available. Ultimately, it all depends on how you prefer things. There is no right or wrong way to take the supplement.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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