8 Tips for Making Your House Environmentally Friendly

Not many people are aware of this, but climate change has had a huge impact on our planet, killing off thousands of species of animals. Fortunately, you can do something about it! For instance, you can make your house environmentally friendly.

Do you want to know how to go about it? If so, this article is for you! Here, you will find a list of tips for making your house environmentally friendly, ranging from installing a green roof, buying energy-efficient light bulbs, and installing solar panels to installing underfloor heating and picking water-based paints. Take a look!

environmentally friendly home
Photo by Vivint Solar from Pexels

Install a Green Roof

You might not be aware of this, but installing a green roof is a great way to make your house environmentally friendly. If that sounds like something that you are interested in, you should check out https://www.rubberroofingdirect.co.uk/green-roofs!

On top of being manufactured using environmentally friendly methods, green roofs are incredibly long-lasting and durable. In fact, if you choose the right waterproof base, your green roof is likely to last a few decades!

Buy Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Nowadays, energy-efficient light bulbs can be found in most supermarkets and department stores. In addition to being easily accessible, they are quite affordable and can save you large sums of money in the long run.

There are many different kinds of light bulbs that you can choose from, including halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps, and light-emitting diodes. The diodes are the best ones out of the bunch, as they are incredibly long-lasting.

Use Eco-Cleaning Products

If you want to make your house environmentally friendly, you should start thinking about the products that you are buying and using on a regular basis, including cleaning products. Check whether they are eco-friendly and if they are not, look for alternatives!

These days, there are many different types of eco-friendly cleaning products, ranging from furniture polish to bathroom cleaners. Fortunately, they tend to be quite cheap, which means that switching to these products should not put a dent in your budget.

Install Solar Panels

If you want to be as environmentally friendly as possible, you should switch to a renewable source of energy. The one that people go for most often is solar panels. They have become incredibly popular in recent years, and for a good reason!

On top of being environmentally friendly, they are quite accessible in many regions of the world. For instance, there are many companies in the United Kingdom that sell and install solar panels. Consequently, they are definitely worth being taken into consideration.

Buy Recycled Furniture

One of the best things that everyone can do for the environment is using products that were manufactured with recycled materials, such as recycled furniture. There are many shops out there where you can buy this kind of furniture with ease.

If that is not your cup of tea, think about buying second-hand furniture. Look for used pieces of furniture in local Facebook groups, and you are bound to find quite a few that are cheap and look great in spite of having been in use for years!

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Did you know that energy-efficient appliances can help you save hundreds of dollars? These days, most manufacturers focus on making their appliances as energy-efficient as possible, which means that getting your hands on a few should be quite easy.

In addition to lowering your energy bills, energy-efficient appliances are quite sturdy and long-lasting in comparison to older appliances. You just have to buy the ones that were manufactured by reliable and reputable companies.

Invest in Underfloor Heating

If you live in a place where winters are incredibly cold, you are likely to have spent thousands of dollars on your utility bills. The most effective and environmentally friendly way to reduce these bills is to install underfloor heating.

In a nutshell, an underfloor heating system uses radiators and pipes buried beneath the floorboards to heat your home. The newest underfloor heating systems are efficient and cost-effective, which makes for a worthwhile investment!

Pick Water-Based Paints

If you really want to make your house environmentally friendly, you should start buying water-based paints. They are better for the environment than oil-based paints, as they do not contain potentially harmful chemical compounds.

On top of being environmentally friendly, water-based paints dry faster than their alternatives, produce fewer odors, and provide great color retention. There is no reason not to give these paints a try!

In Conclusion

In order to make your house environmentally friendly, you will need to start making small changes to it. For instance, you could swap your current light bulbs for energy-efficient light bulbs and install a green roof.

It might be a costly investment, but it is definitely worth the hassle! Firstly, you are doing something to combat climate change. Secondly, your bills will be lower, which should help you get the money you need for more important things.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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