Top Tips For Staying Healthy In 2021

Staying fit and healthy is a challenge for lots of people at the best of times. Today, after a year and a half of lockdowns and working from home, it’s understandable that many have fallen into a rut when it comes to taking care of themselves. Putting that extra bit of effort into looking after ourselves now will benefit us not only in the short term, but the long too. Here are some top tips for staying healthy in 2021…

Tips For Staying Healthy In 2021

Assess Your Diet

First in our list of tips for staying healthy in 2021 is to assess your diet. What we eat has always been one of the prime components of how we look and feel. Growing up, we were told to eat our vegetables to grow up big and strong, and whilst this remains great advice for all of us, decades of nutritional research and knowledge is expanding our understanding of what the body needs and what it can do without. In fact, the idea that we need any form of animal products at all for a balanced diet has been proven wrong time and again, for example. When considering your overall diet, look at everything you consume and identify high sugar and saturated fat contents of those foods. Cutting them out completely isn’t easy or fun so make sure you put plenty of thought into this change. Try to phase them out slowly, if possible, whilst finding healthier replacements that you enjoy.

Keep In Touch With The Doctor

When we’re not feeling well, it’s easy to try to shake it off and ignore the fact that we may need a bit of support or just a general check up. Going to the doctor, especially during the pandemic, feels slightly more unwarranted and tiresome than usual. You may have to travel far, or you might be worried they’re going to send you for further tests. But speaking to a health professional regularly about any ailments you have is important. With the changes in our society following the coronavirus lockdowns, you can now book an online GP consultation through apps like Virtually healthcare. They’re an NHS run business that provide online GP consultations as well as other useful services. If time and distance are a big problem for those regular checks, then this could be a great and safe alternative.

At Home Rituals And Exercise

If you’re swamped by tasks and responsibilities then you might be one of the millions of people that forget to find the time to properly focus on themselves. Well, we say that’s not good enough. The self-sacrifice of taking care of others in honourable and is a wonderful trait for someone to have, but you’ll be no good to those people if you make yourself unwell. Find some time for yourself every day to recentre and get some exercise in. Even more relaxed exercises like yoga are a good way to wash away negativity and clear your mind.

Sleep And Stay Hydrated

Last on our list of top tips to stay healthy is to make sure you drink enough. Some of the most common issues that plague humanity in the modern day is the disregard for two of our essential requirements. Drinking enough water and getting the right amount of sleep are tough to stay on top of. There are many issues that can arise from not getting enough sleep and finding the time out of your day to drink enough water can give you the alertness and general physical wellness that you didn’t know you lacked. Keep a water bottle by your side and keep sipping over the course of the day. Turning this into a habit will be one of the best choices you make!

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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