Top “How To’s” That Will Make Your Life Easier…

Do you feel like you’re always asking yourself, “How do I?” when it comes to different things in your life? Here we have put together some top “how to’s” that you might ask yourself and what you can do to make it a bit easier…

how tos in life
  1. How To Store Your Watches

Knowing how to store your Rolex valuable watches is imperative if you want to keep them in great condition and add to their value. First, store them in a place that is free of dust and sunlight. Before you take off your watch, make sure it’s clean and dry. 

Use a cloth or towel to wipe down the face of the watch, especially if there are any water spots on it. It is important not to wear watches too much because if they stay on your wrist all day long, they might cause skin irritation. Make sure to keep your watch away from extreme heat and cold because the temperature can affect the movement of the dials.

  1. How To Meditate

Meditation is a simple technique that relaxes your body and mind, reduces stress, and brings you peace of mind. 

Sit straight, with legs crossed or simply lying down on your back. If sitting cross-legged, let your body relax and don’t stiffen up. Keep arms loose by your sides close to your hips; palms opened upwards facing the sky. 

Let the weight of your head be heavy downwards towards the ground but remain comfortable, not pushed down too hard or tense. Breathe naturally, just focusing on calm breaths through the nose for 10 minutes at least once a day.

  1. How To Journal

Pick a notebook that you like to use, one that doesn’t feel awkward in your hands. Whether it is large or small, thick or thin, acquire one with paper that you enjoy writing on, something smooth and not scratchy. Start with the present moment by filling in the date at the top of each page. 

Next, fill pages with daily thoughts and observations without censoring what comes out of your mind. For example, describe the weather outside your window or how different foods make you feel inside; don’t hold back anything! If nothing interesting pops into your head after 10 minutes, begin again and try journaling about things from earlier that day.

  1. How To Mind Your Mind

When you first wake up, try this technique: as soon as your feet hit the floor and before you even start thinking about anything else, just notice or become aware of what’s going on inside you. Just sit down and see your breath for 3 minutes without judgement, no matter how crazy it feels, just observing with curious eyes and a light heart. 

This may help to ground yourself and relax the mind; darkness will not fall if you allow your storm clouds to dissipate. When beginning meditation, be sure to place one hand on your stomach (slow, deep breaths here), which will help regulate your breathing. 

And lastly, remind yourself of why you meditate and what it’s good for. It’s good to reach a calm state in order to aid in breaking bad habits or at least making them easier to manage.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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