4 Tips to Transform Your Smile

Smiles are a universal language, a small gesture that can take on so many different meanings. Smiling regularly can actually help to rewire your brain into seeing things in a more positive way and becoming a more positive person in general. This transition can aid in improving your interpersonal relationships as well as increasing your creativity and productivity levels too. However, it can be hard to smile if you feel self-conscious about how yours looks.

If this is the case for you, then read on for all the tips you need to transform your smile.

4 Tips to Transform Your Smile

Eat a Healthy Diet

It is a widely accepted fact that what you eat affects the state of your teeth. Your teeth look better and become stronger with the help of a healthy diet. Sugary and acidic foods cause decay, erode enamel and lead to cavities. Like many different body parts, Teeth need the correct nutrition; it is as simple as that. Try to put more thought into what you consume; protein and leafy green vegetables are really good for your teeth. Vitamin-rich foods and foods which are high in calcium are also important for your oral health.

Take Care of Your Gums

Your smile is not simply about your teeth. If you don’t look after your gums properly, this can cause many issues in itself. Inflamed gums can look puffy or red in appearance, which can affect how your smile looks. The bacteria often cause gum disease within your mouth; brushing and flossing your teeth regularly can help to minimise your risks. However, gum disease is not the only issue that your gums may face. If the gums remain unsupported for an extended period, then they could begin to sink. Sometimes the damage is bad enough that laser reshaping is needed to fix the problem. However, people opt to get their gums reshaped for aesthetic reasons, too, for example, if they feel they have too much or too little gum on show when smiling.

Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

If your issues with your smile go beyond normal surface issues and have a profound effect on your self-esteem, then you might want to consider your options in terms of cosmetic dentistry. There are some things that you can do to transform your smile with cosmetic dentistry. Firstly, you could look at getting your teeth straightened if this is something that bothers you. Straight teeth are highly sought after by many people, and nowadays, there are more options to help you achieve this. Gone are the days of obvious metal wires; clear aligners are subtle and just as effective. They are easily removable to brush your teeth or eat, although consistent wear is the key to success. There are many different options when it comes to Invisalign, although you tend to be better off using an accredited dentist like Pure Dentistry. Instead of going through an internet service that may or may not be qualified to advise you, you can benefit from their support and expertise. You can learn more about their dental services online at their website.

Next on most people’s Wishlist is whiter teeth. Unfortunately, this is not the natural state for most people. Most adults who dislike their smile do so because they are embarrassed by it, most commonly because their teeth are crooked or yellow. There are many different options when it comes to teeth whitening, although you should remember that you get what you pay for. While the at-home kits might seem like a good deal, they aren’t particularly effective. Having your teeth professionally whitened is often the most effective method for achieving a whiter, brighter smile. Dentists are trained in mixing the chemicals. They can often use a more concentrated mixture, which means that you are more likely to see better results after just one application than at-home treatments that may require several.

The final common problem that a lot of people face is missing teeth. As you get older, it cannot always be avoided. The teeth become weaker, and things happen as a result of general wear and tear. However, while missing teeth can put you off smiling, it can also jeopardise your oral health. Having missing teeth for too long can affect your alignment because the remaining teeth tend to move to try and fill the gap; it can also affect your bite, which changes how you eat. There are a few things that your dentist can do to resolve this. A dental bridge is an option, and it is the least invasive; it consists of a false tooth held in place by crowns over the teeth on either side of the gap. There is also a dental implant, although this requires surgery, and it has more recovery time.

Avoid Bad Habits & Oral Trends

Many lifestyle factors will affect the look of your teeth and potentially lead to dental issues down the line. First things first, smoking. Not only is it terrible for your health in general, but it can be catastrophic for your teeth. Tar and nicotine make the teeth discoloured and lead to bad breath. Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol can also affect the teeth. Most forms of alcohol are acidic, and consuming them in high volumes can break down enamel and erode the surface of the teeth. Other habits to avoid are using your teeth as tools or chewing extremely crunchy things like ice, both of which can lead to cracking or chipping of the teeth. Finally, people who suffer from stress or anxiety tend to find themselves clenching or grinding their teeth which can wear down the teeth over time and even lead to jaw issues. You might want to try some meditation or stress management techniques to try and address the root of the issue and save your teeth in the long run.

There are a lot of different fads and trends when it comes to dental care. Many of these practices are simply ineffective and constitute a waste of time and money, but some can be incredibly dangerous. For example, in the last few months, a trend emerged online of people filing their canine teeth to more of a point to make them look like fangs. Teeth are not regenerative; they will not grow back, and filing your teeth at home can weaken the teeth and lead to structural damage like cracking or breaking. Another recent trend to avoid is DIY dentistry. Just because you can buy at-home kits for dental procedures does not mean it is good to do it yourself. Let these fads pass you by and instead stick with the tried and true: brushing and flossing.

The Bottom Line

Most of the time, if something isn’t good for your health in general, then it won’t be good for your teeth. Try to remember as well that each person’s idea of a perfect smile is different. Improving your smile can build your confidence and self-esteem as long as you make those changes for yourself. Transforming your smile won’t always be easy, especially if you are considering cosmetic dentistry. Often the best place to start is with a consultation from your dentist or paediatric dentist; they can advise you on everything from lifestyle changes to cosmetic procedures.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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