Reasons Why Giving Your Bedroom a Makeover is a Great Idea

Allowing your bedroom to get messy and not having things in your room arranged how you would like them to be is a common frustration amongst people of all ages. So, be proactive and make an effort to give your bedroom a makeover if you think it needs one. Perhaps you just look at the current layout of the bed, furniture and other items in the bedroom and fancy moving things around a bit? Discover more in our guide to why giving your bedroom a makeover is a top idea.

bedroom a makeover

Improvements to Your Bedroom Can Make You Feel More Positive

Consistently monitoring your wellbeing and mental health is vitally important. One small step you can take to help prevent yourself from falling into depression and low moods is ensuring your living space is bright, colourful, and radiates positive vibes that make you feel healthier and better about yourself.

Anyone who’s ever lived in the UK knows we get a lack of daylight in the winter months. Are the colours on your bedroom walls currently looking a little bit too dark and uninspiring? Change it up asap and brighten up the place by painting your bedroom walls with brighter, more radiant colours such as yellow, red, orange, blue, white, cream and beige.  

Getting suitable lighting fittings so you are not living in darkness is a positive addition to your bedroom space. You can also decide to get soft mood lighting to create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom when you feel like winding down before going to sleep in the evening.

Getting lots of Vitamin D can help humans to fend off feelings of depression and improve their mood. Multiple studies have indicated that natural light has many benefits for improving our mental health and wellbeing. So, one way you can ensure you get plenty of natural light into your room is by investing in specific curtains or blinds which let in as much natural light as possible. 

To Respect Yourself and Others You May Live with

Leaving your bedroom space messy and untidy may, over time, start to bother other people you share a living space with, and it can be pretty antisocial. Why fall out with your family members or housemates over something so trivial as cleaning up your room? Tidy it up and give the place a makeover. Even if you live alone, a tidy bedroom is a tidy mind and having a bedroom that is a chaotic, messy space will make you feel more panicky in your everyday life. For instance, there’s nothing worse than frantically worrying about being unable to find your keys amongst your floordrobe in your bedroom when you are about to head out.

Think About What You Use Your Bedroom For

When deciding what you will do for your bedroom makeover, think about the main things you use your bedroom for. What do you tend to do in your bedroom? It may not merely be a place where you sleep. Suppose you work full-time remotely, and your bedroom doubles up as your home office space. In this case, a bedroom makeover to keep the place spic and span and ideal for you to work in is essential.  Perhaps investing in getting a brand-new desk or workstation for your bedroom could be a fantastic, functional idea for your bedroom makeover.

You may be a person who loves spending time in your bedroom, getting all glamming up and looking in the mirror as you try on new outfits and experiment with creative make-up products. You can always have a lot of fun spending time in your bedroom pretending you are a model posing on the catwalk for Paris fashion week. If you are interested in getting a good quality mirror as part of your bedroom makeover, in that case, you may want to check out the collection of antique Victorian mirrors from Antiques Boutique, a reliable online retailer of home antiques and vintage items.

To Make Your Bedroom an Ideal Sleeping Space

Whatever changes and things you decide to do during your bedroom makeover, just don’t forget that it still needs to be a perfect space for you to enjoy a relaxing good night’s sleep.

Think about what you know helps you to sleep best and comfortably in your bedroom. Be aware of any specific things which disturb you from sleeping. For instance, if you know you’re particularly sensitive to lights and exposure to overly powerful lights will prevent you from being able to get off to sleep, avoid buying light bulbs for your bedroom that are too bright. Does noise from outside your home bother you while you are trying to sleep? Perhaps look into getting yourself a pair of safe ear defenders to cancel out noise so that you can sleep undisturbed.

Mood lighting, having comfortable pillows and cushions, and using soft colour palettes for the wallpaper and decorations are some ways you can turn your bedroom into a relaxing environment and an ideal sleeping space.

To Avoid Embarrassment on Work Video Calls

During the coronavirus pandemic, many of us quickly had to adapt to the ‘new norm’ of working from home. Some professionals have taken to remote working like ducks to water, and as a result, many businesses have switched to having staff work remotely on a permanent full-time basis.

Working from home often requires hours of video calls every week with colleagues and clients over platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. You certainly don’t want to feel embarrassed when on a video call at work due to your bedroom visibly being an absolute tip and appearing on screen for all to see. It doesn’t send out an excellent message to the people you are working with and looks as if you are not looking after yourself while at home working remotely.  So, another reason why giving your bedroom a makeover is a great idea is because it will make you come across as more professional and presentable when working from home in your bedroom.

There are plenty of reasons why giving your bedroom a makeover is a great idea. So, get creative and think about ways to rearrange your bedroom space and what new additions it could do with.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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